Ayat 44. Nay, We gave the luxuries of this life to these men and
their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that We
gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it
then they who will overcome.
Ayat 45.
Say (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) ): "I warn you only by the revelation (from
Allah and not by the opinion of the religious scholars and others). But the deaf
(who follow the religious scholars and others blindly) will not hear the call,
(even) when they are warned [(i.e. one should follow only the Qur'an and the
Sunnah (legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements of Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH) , as the Companions of the Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH) did)].
[Tafseer] Nay, We gave the good things of this
life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them; See
they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying
borders? Is it then they who will win? 'Umr, or 'Umur. age, generation, period, time, life.
Here "period" is most appropriate, as it covers many generations, "these men and
their fathers." The particular signification is that Islam spread from the
outer borders, social and geographical, gradually inwards. The social fringe was
the humbler people, such as slaves and poor men. The geographical reference is
to Madinah and tribes away from the Makkah centre. The proud and unbelieving
Quraysh were the last to come in when the circle was gradually drawn tighter and
tighter around them. The general signification applies to all times. Allah's
Truth makes its way first among the poor and the lowly, those whose minds are
unsoiled by prejudices of false pride or false knowledge, but it gradually hems
in the obstinate, until it prevails in the end. Say, "I do but warn you according to
revelation": But the deaf will not hear the call, (even) when they are
warned! According to the English saying, "none is so deaf as those
who will not hear". When they deliberately shut their ears to the warning from
the Merciful Allah, meant for
their own good, the responsibility is their own. But their cowardice is shown in
the next verse by their behaviour when the first breath of the Wrath reaches
Hazrat Abu Hurairah
(May Allah be pleased with him) reported: When this
Verse was revealed: "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH)) of near kindred". (26:214) Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) called the Quraish; when they gathered, he said to them: "O sons of
`Abd Shams; O sons of Ka`b bin Lu'ai, rescue yourselves from the Fire! O sons of
Murrah bin Kaab, rescue yourselves from the Fire! O sons of Abd Manaf, rescue
yourselves from the Fire! O sons of Abdul-Muttalib, rescue yourselves from the
Fire! O Fatimah (May Allah be pleased with her), rescue yourself from the Fire,
for I have no power (to protect you) from Allah in anything except that I would
sustain relationship with you".
Book 01, Chapter 87, Hadith #
Lesson : as
mentioned above in Surah Al-Anbiya' Ayat 45.""I warn you only by
the revelation" 1. This Hadith
tells us that lineage in the Hereafter will not help anybody. So much so that
even one's relationship with Messenger of Allah (PBUH) shall not carry any
weight on that day. The only thing that will then help in salvation will be
one's good deeds. People for whom the Prophet (PBUH) and pious men will
intercede will be believers with some sins in their account and not the
disbelievers devoid of Faith and good actions. Neither will anybody intercede
for the infidels, nor will the infidels find salvation.
2. In preaching
religion, priority must be given to one's own close relatives. They deserve it
more than anyone else, and for this reason Divine injunctions should be first of
all conveyed to them.
3. Even if a
Muslim's relatives are pagans and polytheists, their rights of kinsmen and the
demands of "maintaining the ties of kinship'' enjoined by Islam must be
fulfilled. The first and foremost demand of their rights is that they should be
invited to the right path so that they will be saved from
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