Sunday, June 30, 2013

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]: Ayat 108-111

১০৮) আল্লাহ জবাব দেবেন,দূর হয়ে যাও আমার সামনে থেকে,পড়ে থাকো ওরি মধ্যে এবং কথা বলো না আমার সাথে৷  
১০৯) তোমরা হচ্ছো তারাই ,যখন আমার কিছু বান্দা বলতো,হে আমাদের রব !আমরা ঈমান এনেছি,আমাদের মাফ করে দাও, আমাদের প্রতি করুনা করো, তুমি সকল করুণাশীলের চাইতে বড় করুণাশীল,
১১০) তখন তোমরা তাদেরকে বিদ্রুপ করতে, এমনকি তাদের প্রতি জিদ তোমাদের আমার কথাও ভুলিয়ে দেয় এবং তোমরা তাদেরকে নিয়ে হাসিঠাট্টা করতে থাকতে ৷
১১১) আজ তাদের সে সবের ফল আমি এই দিয়েছি যে, তারাই সফলকাম ৷

Ayat 108. He (Allah) will say: "Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!"
Ayat 109. Verily! There was a party of My slaves, who used to say: "Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!"
Ayat 110. But you took them for a laughingstock, so much so that they made you forget My Remembrance while you used to laugh at them!
Ayat 111. Verily! I have rewarded them this Day for their patience, they are indeed the ones that are successful.
[Tafseer] of Ayat 108. He will say: "Be ye driven into it (with ignominy)! And speak ye not to Me! After their flouting of Allah's Signs and their mockery of godly men on earth, they have forfeited their right to plead for mercy before Allah's Throne. 109. "A part of My servants there was, who used to pray ‘our Lord! we believe; then do Thou forgive us, and have mercy upon us: For Thou art the Best of those who show mercy!" 110. "But ye treated them with ridicule, so much so that (ridicule of) them made you forget My Message while ye were laughing at them! Literally, 'they make you forget My Message'. The ungodly were so occupied in the backbiting and ridicule of the godly that the godly themselves became the unconscious cause of the ungodly forgetting the warnings declared by Allah against those who do not treat His Signs seriously. Thus evil often brings about its own ruin through the instrumentality of those whom it would make its victims. 111. "I have rewarded them this Day for their patience and constancy: they are indeed the ones that have achieved Bliss..."

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]: Ayat 104-107

১০৪) আগুন তাদের মুখের চামড়া জ্বালিয়ে দেবে এবং তাদের চোয়াল বাইরে বের হয়ে আসবে ৷ 
১০৫) ‘‘তোমরা কি সেসব লোক নও যাদের কাছে আমার আয়াত শুনানো হলেই বলতে এটা মিথ্যা?’’
১০৬) তারা বলবে, ‘‘‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌হে আমাদের রব !আমাদের দুর্ভাগ্য আমাদের ওপর ছেয়ে গিয়েছিল,আমরা সত্যিই ছিলাম বিভ্রান্ত সম্প্রদায়৷
১০৭) হে পরওয়ারদিগার ! এখন আমাদের এখান থেকে বের করে দাও,আমরা যদি আবার এ ধরনের অপরাধ করি তাহলে আমরা জালেম হবো ৷

Ayat 104. The Fire will burn their faces, and therein they will grin, with displaced lips (disfigured).
Ayat 105. "Were not My Verses (this Qur’an) recited to you, and then you used to deny them?"
Ayat 106. They will say: "Our Lord! Our wretchedness overcame us, and we were (an) erring people.
Ayat 107. "Our Lord! Bring us out of this; if ever we return (to evil), then indeed we shall be Zalimun: (polytheists, oppressors, unjust, and wrong-doers, etc.)."
[Tafseer] of ayat 104. The Fire will burn their faces, and they will therein grin, with their lips displaced. That is to say, their faces will be disfigured with anguish, and their lips will quiver and fall out of place, exposing their ayat 105. Allah asks them "Were not My Signs rehearsed to you, and ye did but treat them as falsehood?" as explain in ayat 106. They will say: "our Lord! Our misfortune overwhelmed us, and we became a people astray! 'The evil in us conquered us; it was our misfortunes that we surrendered to evil, and went astray.' They forget that it was by their own deliberate choice that they surrendered to evil, and they are reminded in verses 109-110 of the ridicule with which they covered godly men in their life on earth. in ayat 107. they plead "Our Lord! bring us out of this: if ever we return (to Evil), then shall we be wrong-doers indeed!"   

Hazrat Numan bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) said, "The least tortured man on the Day of Resurrection is one underneath whose feet will be placed two live coal, and his brain will be boiling, and he would think that he is the most tortured, while he is the least tortured",
[Al-Bukhari Book 08, Chapter 76, Hadith # 566].  
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 104."The Fire will burn their faces, and therein they will grin," According to the narration in Muslim, the straps of shoes to be worn by the inhabitants of Hell would be of fire which will make their brains boil like a cooker placed on oven. May Allah save us from it.

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]: Ayat 101-103

১০১) তারপর যখনই শিংগায় ফুঁক দেয়া হবে, তখন তাদের মধ্যে আর কোন আত্মীয়তা বা সম্পর্কে থাকবে না এবং তারা পরস্পরকে জিজ্ঞেসও করবে না ৷ 
১০২) সে সময় যাদের পাল্লা ভারী হবে  তারাই সফলকাম হবে ৷
১০৩) আর যাদের পাল্লা হাল্কা হবে তারাই হবে এমনসব লোক যারা নিজেদেরকে ক্ষতির মধ্যে নিক্ষেপ করেছে ৷  তারা জাহান্নামে থাকবে চিরকাল৷

Ayat 101. Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another.
Ayat 102. Then, those whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy, - these, they are the successful.
Ayat 103. And those whose scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those who lose their own selves, in Hell will they abide.
[Tafseer] of ayat 101. Then when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no more relationships between them that Day, nor will one ask after another! The old relationships of the world will then be dissolved. Each soul will stand on its merits. in ayat 102. Then whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy,- they will attain salvation: Good and evil deeds will be weighed against each other. If the good deeds prevail, the soul will attain falah, i.e., prosperity, well-being, bliss, or salvation; if the contrary, there will be the misery and anguish of Hell. further expalin in ayat 103. But those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls, in Hell will they abide. The loss or perdition will not mean that they will die and feel no more: 14:17. The punishment will mean nothing, if there was no sensibility, but total annihilation.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) recited, "That Day it (the earth) will reveal its news (about all that happened over it of good or evil).'' (99:4). Then he [SAWW](PBUH) inquired, "Do you know what its news are?'' He was told: "Allah and His Messenger know better". He said, "Its news is that it shall bear witness against every slave man and woman they did on its back. It will say: `You did this and this on such and such day.' Those will be its news.''
[At-Tirmidhi, Hadith # 2429]
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 102."those whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy, - these, they are the successful." It has stern warning for people that however they may try to hide their sins from others, they will not be able to save themselves from Allah and His system of accountability. This Hadith makes evident the perfect Omnipotence of Allah by telling us that He will bestow power of speech on the earth and it will bear witness to the acts committed on its surface. Its very easy for us the modern human to understand with technology at its peak, as Hadith says `"You did this and this on such and such day". recording of each action via CCTV and other source of surveillance Camera recording, each and every move made by us, the earth bear witness against us It will say: `You did this and this on such and such day.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]: Ayat 99-100

৯৯) (এরা নিজেদের কৃতকর্ম থেকে বিরত হবে না) এমনকি যখন এদের কারোর মৃত্যু উপস্থিত হবে তখন বলতে থাকবে, ‘‘হে আমার রব ! যে দুনিয়াটা আমি ছেড়ে চলে এসেছি সেখানেই আমাকে ফেরত পাঠিয়ে দাও,  
১০০) আশা করি এখন আমি সৎকাজ করবো৷ কখনোই নয়,  এটা তার প্রলাপ ছাড়া আর কিছু আর নয়৷  এখন এ মৃতদের পেছনে প্রতিবন্ধক হয়ে আছে একটি অন্তরবর্তীকালীন যুগ—বরযখ যা পরবর্তী জীবনের দিন পর্যন্ত থাকবে ৷

Ayat 99. Until, when death comes to one of them (those who join partners with Allah), he says: "My Lord! Send me back,
Ayat 100. "So that I may do well in that which I have left behind!" No! It is but a word that he speaks, and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected. 

[Tafseer] of ayat 99. (In Falsehood will they be) Until, when death comes to one of them, he says: "O my Lord! send me back (to life), This verse I think connects on with 23:90 above. Though Allah proclaims His Truth everywhere, the wicked cling to Falsehood until they face the reality of Death. The verb for "send me back" is in the plural in Arabic, which is construed either (1) as an emphatic form, as if the singular were repeated, or (2) as a plural  of respect, though such a plural is not ordinarily used in addressing Allah, or (3) as a plural addressed to the angels, after the address to Allah in "O my Lord!" in ayat 100. thay plead "In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected." - "By no means! It is but a word he says."- Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up. The unrighteous will ask for another chance. But it will be too late then. The time for repentance will then have passed. Their request will mean nothing. It will be treated merely as an empty word of excuse. They had plenty of chances in this life. Not only did they reject them, but they did not even believe in Allah or ask for His assistance. Barzakh: a partition, a bar or barrier; the place or state in which people will be after death and before Judgment. Behind them is the barrier of death, and in front of them is the Barzakh, partition, a quiescent state until the judgment comes."

Hazrat Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) said: "Allah, the Exalted, will continue to stretch out His Hand in the night so that the sinners of the day may repent, and continue to stretch His Hand in the daytime so that the sinners of the night may repent, until the sun rises from the west".
[Muslim Book 05, Chapter 37, Hadith # 6644 ].  

Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 99."Until, when death comes to one of them (those who join partners with Allah)," This Hadith confirms an essential Attribute of Allah, i.e., the Hand which He stretches out anytime He wishes without drawing similarity to it, nor interpretation. Such was the attitude of the pious predecessors with regards to all of the essential Attributes of Allah. It is deduced from this Hadith that if one commits a sin during any hour of day or night, he should immediately seek the forgiveness of Allah as a result.

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]:Ayat 84-87

৮৪) তাদেরকে জিজ্ঞেস করোঃ যদি তোমরা জানো তাহলে বলো এ পৃথিবী এবং এর মধ্যে যারা বাস করে তারা কারা ?
৮৫) তারা নিশ্চয় বলবে, আল্লাহর ৷ বলো, তাহলে তোমরা সচেতন হচ্ছো না কেন ?
৮৬) তাদেরকে জিজ্ঞেস করো, সাত আসমান ও মহান আরশের অধিপতি কে ?
৮৭) তারা নিশ্চয়ই বলবে, আল্লাহ ৷  বলো, তাহলে তোমরা ভয় করো না কেন ?

Ayat 84. Say: "Whose is the earth and whosoever is therein? If you know!"
Ayat 85. They will say: "It is Allah’s!" Say: "Will you not then remember?"
Ayat 86. Say: "Who is (the) Lord of the seven heavens, and (the) Lord of the Great Throne?"
Ayat 87. They will say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not then fear Allah (believe in His Oneness, obey Him, believe in the Resurrection and Recompense for each and every good or bad deed)."  

[Tafseer] of ayat 84. Say: "To whom belong the earth and all beings therein? (say) if ye know!" They will say, "To Allah." say: "Yet will ye not receive admonition?" If their argument is that such things about a future life cannot be known or proved, they are referred to the things which are actually before them. The tangible things of the earth-can they postulate their order or government except by a Power of Force or Energy outside them? They will admit that there is such a Power or Force or Energy, We call it Allah. Go a step further. We see a sublime Universe in the heavens above, stretching far, far beyond our ken. They will admit its existence and its grandeur. We ask them to entertain a feeling of reverence for the Power behind it, and to understand their own littleness and their dependence upon that Power. Say: "Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme?" They will say, "(They belong) to Allah." Say: "Will ye not then be filled with awe?" 'If this great and glorious Universe inspires you with awe, surely the Power behind is more worthy of your awe, especially if you compare your dependence and its dependence upon Him.'

Hazrat Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) used to say when he was in distress: "La ilaha illallahul-Azimul-Halim. La ilaha illallahu Rabbul-`Arshil-`Azim. La ilaha illallahu Rabbus-samawati, wa Rabbul-ardi, wa Rabbul-`Arshil-Karim. (None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the Incomparably Great, the Compassionate. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the Rubb of the Mighty Throne. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah the Rubb of the heavens, the Rubb of the earth, and the Rubb of the Honourable Throne).''
[Al-Bukhari Book 08, Chapter 75, Hadith # 357]  

Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 86." "Who is (the) Lord of the seven heavens, and (the) Lord of the Great ThroneThe only medicine in a time of distress is the remembrance of Allah Whose Help alone should be sought. This Dua contains words which glorify Allah and exalt Him far above all else. It is desirable to recite these words when one is in distress as this is exactly what the Prophet (PBUH) used to recite in such situations.

[23].Surah Al-Muminun [The Believers]: Ayat 95-98

৯৬) হে মুহাম্মদ (সা) ! মন্দকে দূর করো সর্বোত্তম পদ্ধতিতে ৷ তারা তোমার সম্পর্কে যেসব কথা বলে তা আমি খুব ভালো করেই জানি৷
৯৭) আর দোয়া করো, ‘‘হে আমার রব! আমি শয়তানদের উস্কানি থেকে তোমার আশ্রয় চাই৷
৯৮) এমনকি হে ! পরওয়ারদিগার, সে আমার কাছে আসুক এ থেকেও তো আমি তোমার আশ্রয় চাই” ৷

Ayat 95. And indeed We are Able to show you (O Muhammad [SAWW](PBUH) that with which We have threatened them.
Ayat 96. Repel evil with that which is better. We are Best-Acquainted with the things they utter.
Ayat 97. And say: "My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils).
Ayat 98. "And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they may attend (or come near) me." 

[Tafseer] of ayat 95. And We are certainly able to show thee (in fulfillment) that against which they are warned. 96. Repel evil with that(2934) which is best: We are well acquainted with the things they say. Whether people speak evil of you, in your presence or behind your back, or they do evil to you in either of those ways, all is known to Allah. It is not for you to punish. Your best course is not to do evil in your turn, but to do what will best repel the evil. Two evils do not make a good. 97. And say "O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the Evil Ones. But in any case, shun evil for yourself, and you cannot do this without seeking the help and protection of Allah. Not only must you shun all promptings of evil, but you must shun its proximity. It may be that in retaliating on evil, or even in your curiosity to discover what evil is, you may fall into evil yourself. You should avoid going near it or anything which brings it near to you. And in this matter you should seek Allah's help. 98. "And I seek refuge with Thee O my Lord! lest they should come near me." 

Hazrat Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard Messenger of Allah [SAWW](PBUH) saying, "If a person mentions the Name of Allah upon entering his house or eating, Satan says, addressing his followers: `You will find no where to spend the night and no dinner.' But if he enters without mentioning the Name of Allah, Satan says (to his followers); `You have found (a place) to spend the night in, and if he does not mention the Name of Allah at the time of eating, Satan says: `You have found (a place) to spend the night in as well as food.'''
[Muslim Book 23,Chapter 11, Hadith # 5006]  
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 97.""My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils)" Herein, we are told that in order to ward off Satan and his followers, we are supposed to remember Allah before entering our house and before beginning to eat. The remembrance of Allah implies those appropriate prayers of the Prophet (PBUH) which have been mentioned in Ahadith. For example, we are instructed to pronounce the Name of Allah before beginning to eat. On entering our house we recite the following Prophetic prayer: "Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal-mawliji wa khairal-makhraji. Bismillahi wa lajna, wa bismillahi kharajna, wa `al-Allahi rabbina tawakkalna.'' (O Allah! I ask you for what is good of entrance and what is good for exit. With the Name of Allah do we enter, and with the Name of Allah do we leave, and upon our Rubb Allah have we put our trust).