৭২) তুমি কি তাদের কাছে কিছু চাচ্ছো ? তোমার জন্য তোমার রব যা দিয়েছেন, সেটাই ভালো এবং তিনি সবচেয়ে ভালো রিযিকদাতা ৷
৭৩) তুমি তো তাদেরকে সহজ সরল পথের দিকে ডাকছো,
৭৪) কিন্তু যারা পরকাল স্বীকার করে না তারা সঠিক পথ থেকে সরে ভিন্ন পথে চলতে চায় ৷
Ayat 72. Or is it that you wish for some wages? (off course not), the recompense of your Lord is
better, and He is the Best of those who give sustenance.
Ayat 73. And certainly, you (first the Prophet PBUH and than
Muslim Ummah) call them to a Straight Path (true
religion Islamic Monotheism).
Ayat 74. And verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter are
indeed deviating far astray from the Path (true religion Islamic
Hazrat Masruq (May
Allah be pleased with him) said: We visited `Abdullah bin Masud (May Allah be
pleased with him) and he said to us: O people! He who has the knowledge of any
matter may convey it to the others. And he who has no knowledge, thereof, should
say: "Allahu a`lam (Allah knows better).'' It is a part and parcel of knowledge
that a man who has no knowledge of a matter should say: "Allah knows better.''
Allah said to His Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH): "Say (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH)): `No wage do I ask of you for this (the Qur'an), nor am I one of
the Mutakallifun (those who pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).'''
Book 06, Chapter 60, Hadith #
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