৩৮. আল্লাহ নবীর জন্যে যা নির্ধারণ করেন, তাতে তাঁর কোন বাধা নেই পূর্ববর্তী নবীগণের ক্ষেত্রে এটাই ছিল আল্লাহর চিরাচরিত বিধান। আল্লাহর আদেশ নির্ধারিত, অবধারিত।
৩৯. সেই নবীগণ আল্লাহর পয়গাম প্রচার করতেন ও তাঁকে ভয় করতেন। তারা আল্লাহ ব্যতীত অন্যকাউকে ভয় করতেন না। হিসাব গ্রহণের জন্যে আল্লাহ যথেষ্ঠ।
Ayat 38. There is no blame on the Prophet (
[SAWW](PBUH) in that which Allah has made legal for him. That has been Allah’s Way with those who have passed away of (the Prophets of) old. And the Command of Allah is a decree determined.
Ayat 39. Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him, and fear none save Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner.
Tafseer of Surah Al Ahzab (The Confederates) Ayat 38. There can be no difficulty to the Prophet in what Allah has indicated to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away, And the command of Allah is a decree determined. The next clause is parenthetical. Those words then connect on with verse. Among the people of the Book there was no taboo about adopted sons, as there was in Pagan Arabia. Allah's ordering of the world is always full of wisdom. Even our unhappiness and misery may actually have a great meaning for ourselves or others or both. If our first Plan seems to fail, we must not murmur and repine, but retrieve the position by adopting a course which appears to be the best position in the light of our duties as indicated by Allah. For Allah's Plan is framed on universal principles that cannot be altered by human action. Ayat 39.(It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah. And enough is Allah to call (men) to account. Our responsibility is to Allah, not to men. Men's opinions may have a bearing in our own interpretation of duty, but when that duty is clear; our only course is to obey Allah rather than men.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said "When (Prophet) Ibrahim PBUH (Abraham) was thrown into the fire, he said: "Allah (Alone) is sufficient for us, and, He is the Best Disposer of affairs.'' So did Messenger of Allah Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) when he was told: "A great army of the pagans had gathered against him, so fear them". But this (warning) only increased him and the Muslims in Faith and they said: "Allah (Alone) is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)".
[Al-Bukhari Book 06, Chapter 60, Hadith # 086]
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Ahzab Ayat 39. “fear none save Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner” Even in the worst circumstances one should always have faith and trust in Allah.
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