Tuesday, June 30, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 63-64

৬৩. আসমান ও যমীনের চাবি তাঁরই নিকট। যারা আল্লাহর আয়াতসমূহকে অস্বীকার করেতারাই ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত
৬৪. বলুনহে মুর্খরাতোমরা কি আমাকে আল্লাহ ব্যতীত অন্যের এবাদত করতে আদেশ করছ?

Ayat 63. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And those who disbelieve in theAyat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, such are they who will be the losers.
Ayat 64. Say (O Muhammad image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) to the polytheists, etc.): "Do you order me to worship other than Allah O you fools ?"

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 63. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: and those who reject the Signs of Allah, - it is they who will be in loss. Allah has nothing to lose by the rebellion or disobedience of His creatures. It is they who lose, because they go counter to their own nature, the beautiful mould in which Allah created them. 64. Say: "Is it someone other than Allah that ye order me to worship, O ye ignorant ones?" Order me, there is great irony here. The Prophet of Allah turns to his critics and says: 'You arrogate to yourselves the right to order me. How to worship! But who are you? You are only ignorant men! My commission is from Allah. It is the same as came to Prophets of Allah before me in all ages, viz., (1) that the only Truth is in the Gospel of Unity; and (2) that if you worship other things and turn away from Allah, your life will be wasted and all your probation will have been of no account.

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We took Suhur (predawn meal) with the Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) and then we stood up for (Fajr) Salat (prayer). It was asked: "How long was the gap between the two?'' He replied: "The time required for the recitation of fifty Ayat.'' [Al-Bukhari Book # 01, Chapter # 10, Hadith # 550].

Lesson: We learn from this Hadith that Suhur should be taken towards the end of its timing. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH). One should, however, take care that it is done before dawn.

Monday, June 29, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 60

৬০. যারা আল্লাহর প্রতি মিথ্যা আরোপ করেকেয়ামতের দিন আপনি তাদের মুখ কাল দেখবেন। অহংকারীদের আবাসস্থল জাহান্নামে নয় কি?

Ayat 60. And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 60. On the Day of Judgment wilt thou see those who told lies against Allah. Their faces will be turned black; Is there not in Hell an abode for the Haughty? As spotless white is the symbol of purity, honor and truth, so black is the symbol of evil, disgrace, and falsehood. Perhaps "black" in connection with Hell also refers to the scorching punishment of the Fire. Cf. 39:32, where the subtle implication of the interrogative form is explained.

Hazrat Abu Atiyyah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Masruq and I visited `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) and said: "O Mother of the Believers! There are two Companions of Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) and neither of them holds back from doing good acts; but one of them hastens to break Saum (fasting) and hastens to perform the Maghreb prayer, while the other delays breaking Saum and delays performing Salat (prayer).'' She asked, "Who is the one who hastens to break Saum and perform the Maghreb prayer?'' Masruq said, "It is `Abdullah (meaning `Abdullah bin Masud).'' She said, "The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) used to do so.'' [Muslim Book 06, Chapter 09, Hadith # 2420].

Lesson: This Hadith points out the practice of the Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) of breaking the Saum and performing the Maghreb prayer in the early moments of the prescribed time.

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 61-62

৬১. আর যারা শিরক থেকে বেঁচে থাকতআল্লাহ তাদেরকে সাফল্যের সাথে মুক্তি দেবেনতাদেরকে অনিষ্ট স্পর্শ করবে না এবং তারা চিন্তিতও হবে না
৬২. আল্লাহ সর্বকিছুর স্রষ্টা এবং তিনি সবকিছুর দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করেন

Ayat 61. And Allah will deliver those who are the Muttaqun (pious) to their places of success (Paradise). Evil shall touch them not, nor shall they grieve.
Ayat 62. Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all things.

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 61 & 62. But Allah will deliver the righteous to their place of salvation: no evil shall touch them, nor shall they grieve. Mafazah place or state of safety or salvation, place or state of victory or achievement; accomplishment of wish or desire. This is contrasted against the frustration, failure, and perdition of the children of evil-what may be called damnation in theological phraseology. Ayat 62. Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs. Mafazah place or state of safety or salvation, place or state of victory or achievement; accomplishment of wish or desire. This is contrasted against the frustration, failure, and perdition of the children of evil-what may be called damnation in theological phraseology.

Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) said, "The difference between our observance of Saum (fasting) and that of the people of the Scriptures is Suhur (predawn meal in Ramadan).'' [Muslim Book 06, Chapter 09, Hadith # 2413].  

Lesson: We learn from this Hadith that Suhur is a distinctive mark with which Allah has blessed the Muslim Ummah.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 58-59

৫৮. অথবা আযাব প্রত্যক্ষ করার সময় না বলেযদি কোনরূপে একবার ফিরে যেতে পারিতবে আমি সকর্মপরায়ণ হয়ে যাব
৫৯. হাঁতোমার কাছে আমার নির্দেশ এসেছিলঅতঃপর তুমি তাকে মিথ্যা বলেছিলেঅহংকার করেছিলে এবং কাফেরদের অন্তর্ভূক্ত হয়ে গিয়েছিলে

Ayat 58. Or (lest) he should say when he sees the torment: "If only I had another chance (to return to the world) then I should indeed be among the Muhsinun (good-doers)."
Ayat 59. Yes! Verily, there came to you My Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and you denied them, and were proud and were among the disbelievers.

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 58 & 59 "Or (lest) it should say when it (actually) sees the penalty: ´If only I had another chance, I should certainly be among those who do good, In the third place, when we stand face to face with the Penalty of our own deeds, we might say, 'I wish I had another chance'. But not one, but many, chances are being given, especially when we are told (in verse Ayat 53): 'Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful'. The force of 'lest it should say' here is the same as explained in the last note. Ayat 59. "(The reply will be: ´Nay, but there came to thee my Signs, and thou didst reject them: thou wast Haughty, and became one of those who reject faith! The reply explains how all such pleas have been anticipated and met. It was deliberate rejection that will deserve and meet its consequences. It is further explained that the motive of sin, as with Satan, was haughtiness and self.  Cf. 2:34 .The example of the arch-sinner illustrates what happens, to a minor degree, to every kind of sinner.

Hazrat Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) used to break his Saum (fasting) before performing Maghreb prayer with three fresh date-fruits; if there were no fresh date-fruits, he will eat three dry dates; and if there were no dry date-fruits; he would take three draughts of water. [At-Tirmidhi Hadith # 694].

Lesson: as mentioned it is well to keep the priorities of things mentioned in the Hadith as one gets the reward of following the Sunnah in breaking his Saum. 

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 56-57

৫৬. যাতে কেউ না বলেহায়হায়আল্লাহ সকাশে আমি কর্তব্যে অবহেলা করেছি এবং আমি ঠাট্টা-বিদ্রুপকারীদের অন্তর্ভূক্ত ছিলাম। 
৫৭. অথবা না বলেআল্লাহ যদি আমাকে পথপ্রদর্শন করতেনতবে অবশ্যই আমি পরহেযগারদের একজন হতাম

Ayat 56. Lest a person should say: "Alas, my grief that I was undutiful to Allah (i.e. I have not done what Allah has ordered me to do), and I was indeed among those who mocked [at the truth! i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), the Qur’an, and Muhammad image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) and at the faithful believers, etc.]
Ayat 57. Or (lest) he should say: "If only Allah had guided me, I should indeed have been among the Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons)."

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 56 & 57. "Lest the soul should (then) say: ´Ah! Woe is me! In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked! Many kinds of sighs and regrets will then assail us. In the first place, we shall see our shortcomings: we were negligent when we should have been serious: we mocked when we should have tried to learn and understand. But it will be too late then to retrieve our position. Ayat 57. "Or (lest) it should say: ´If only Allah had guided me, I should certainly have been among the righteous! ´- In the second place, we might be inclined to say, 'I wish I had received warning or guidance'. But this would not be true, because the warning and guidance are being conveyed in the clearest manner in Allah's Revelation. That is the force of 'lest it should say'. It could have said so, had it not seen that the objection is clearly anticipated in the call to repent and in the warning about the Hereafter.

Hazrat Sahl bin Saad (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) said, "People will continue to adhere to good as long as they hasten to break the Saum (fasting).'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 178]. 

Lesson: "Adhere to good'' here means welfare of the religion as well as that of this world. Breaking the Saum early does not mean that it is terminated before the prescribed time. What it really means is without any delay after the sunset. One should not delay it for the mere reason that the rigor one has gone through in the Saum should be enhanced further, as is done by some Sufi. There is no merit in such things because the real merit lies in following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH). Welfare of the Muslims will, therefore, come in the share of the Muslims because of their following the Prophet's Sunnah of breaking the Saum in the early moments of the prescribed time.

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 55

৫৫. তোমাদের প্রতি অবতীর্ণ উত্তম বিষয়ের অনুসরণ কর তোমাদের কাছে অতর্কিতে ও অজ্ঞাতসারে আযাব আসার পূর্বে,
Ayat 55. "And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord (i.e. this Qur’an, do what it orders you to do and keep away from what it forbids), before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not!"
Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 55. "And follow the Best of (the courses Al-Quran) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not! Cf. 39:18. Allah's Command meets the weakness of His weakest servants, and only asks that His servants should surrender their selfish will to Allah's Will. In divine compassion, therefore, we are allowed to do just what we can, even though our standard should fall short of the highest standard, and Allah's Grace will come to our assistance. But we must do so in this life—and at once, as soon as the Word penetrates our mind or understanding. We must not delay a moment, for the Judgment may come at any time, suddenly, before we even perceive where we are.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allahimage001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) said,  "If any one of you forgetfully eats or drinks (while observing fasting) he should complete his Saum (fasting), for Allah has fed him and given him to drink.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 154]. 
Lesson: This Hadith tells us of a kindness and convenience of Islam that during the Saum if a person inadvertently does any such thing which destroys his Saum, i.e., eating, drinking, cohabitation with wife, etc., his Saum will remain intact due to forgetfulness, provided one abandons the act as soon as he remembers that he is observing Saum . He needs not make any expiation for such a Saum.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 54

৫৪. তোমরা তোমাদের পালনকর্তার অভিমূখী হও এবং তাঁর আজ্ঞাবহ হও তোমাদের কাছে আযাব আসার পূর্বে। এরপর তোমরা সাহায্যপ্রাপ্ত হবে না;

Ayat 54. "And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him, (in Islam), before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 54. "Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped. The exhortation in brief is: 'Repent and work righteousness, before it becomes too late'. No help will come to you when the Judgment is actually established and you stand before the Judgment Seat.

Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) came out during the night and observed (TARAWEEH) prayer in the mosque and some of the people prayed along with him. When it was morning the people talked about this and so a large number of people gathered there. The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) went out for the second night, and they (the people) prayed along with him. When it was morning the people began to talk about it. So the mosque thronged with people on the third night. He (the Holy Prophet image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) ) came out and they prayed along with him. When it was the fourth night, the mosque was filled to its utmost capacity but the Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) did not come out. Some persons among then cried:" Prayer." But the Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) did not come to them till he came out for the morning prayer. When he had completed the morning prayer, he turned his face to the people and recited Tashahhud (I bear testimony that there is no god but Allah and I bear testimony that Muhammad is His Messenger) and then said: Your affair was not hidden from me in the night, but I was afraid that (my observing prayer continuously) might make the night (TARAWEEH) prayer obligatory for you and you might be unable to perform it. [Muslim Book 004, Chapter 117 Hadith Number 1667].

Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Zumar Ayat 54. "And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him” It is well to keep the priorities of things mentioned in the Hadith as one gets the reward of following the Sunnah remembrance of Allah day and night.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 53

৫৩. বলুনহে আমার বান্দাগণ যারা নিজেদের উপর যুলুম করেছ তোমরা আল্লাহর রহমত থেকে নিরাশ হয়ো না। নিশ্চয় আল্লাহ সমস্ত গোনাহ মাফ করেন। তিনি ক্ষমাশীলপরম দয়ালু

Ayat 53. Say: "O 'Ibadi (My servants) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 53. Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. For Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.Forgives all sins: i.e., on sincere repentance and amendment of conduct.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allahimage001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) said, ”If one does not eschew lies and false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from his food and his drink.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 127].

Lesson: This Hadith exhorts those observing Saum to fulfill all the requirements of fasting. One should not conduct himself in such a manner that on the one side he observes Saum and on the other he is fearless of Allah. To save himself from Allah's Wrath and to get the reward of the fasts, one must abstain from all sorts of vices, such as cheating, lying, backbiting, and using obscene language. The threat held against such people in this Hadith should make them fear that their Saum will go waste and they would be deprived of its reward. It does not mean that such people should start eating and drinking during Saum but what is intended is that they should save themselves from all kinds of sins so that they may earn the reward of Saum. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

[39].Surah Al-Zumar [The Groups]: Ayat 52

৫২. তারা কি জানেনি যেআল্লাহ যার জন্যে ইচ্ছা রিযিক বৃদ্ধি করেন এবং পরিমিত দেন। নিশ্চয় এতে বিশ্বাসী সম্প্রদায়ের জন্যে নিদর্শনাবলী রয়েছে

Ayat 52. Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens it (for whom He wills). Verily, in this are signs for the folk who believe!

Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 52. Know they not that Allah enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe! Cf.28:82. Allah's gifts are given to all men—to some in a greater degree than to others. But it is all done according to His wise Plan, for His Will is just and looks to the good of all creatures, No one should therefore be puffed up in prosperity or cast down in adversity. Prosperity does not necessarily mean merit on man's part, nor adversity the reverse. Thinking men bear in mind the large Plan which is visible in all Allah's Signs.
Hazrat Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah image001.jpg [SAWW](PBUH) was the most generous of the men; and he was the most generous during the month of Ramadan when Jibril visited him every night and recited the Qur'an to him. During this period, the generosity of Messenger of Allah (PBUH) waxed faster than the rain bearing wind. [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 126].  

Lesson: This Hadith induces us to do two good things frequently and with full preparation in the month of Ramadan. First, benevolence and generosity so that people get maximum time for worship and reduce their mundane affairs during this month. Second, recitation of the Qur'an and Madrasah, (reading and hearing the Qur'an from one another) as is done by two Huffaz in this manner. The reason for the stress on the Qur'an is that the Qur'an and the month of Ramadan are closely linked with each other. The Qur'an was revealed in this month.