৫০. তাদের পূর্ববর্তীরাও তাই বলত, অতঃপর তাদের কৃতকর্ম তাদের কোন উপকারে আসেনি।
৫১. তাদের দুস্কর্ম তাদেরকে বিপদে ফেলেছে, এদের মধ্যেও যারা পাপী, তাদেরকেও অতি সত্ত্বর তাদের দুস্কর্ম বিপদে ফেলবে। তারা তা প্রতিহত করতে সক্ষম হবে না।
Ayat 51. So, the evil results of that which they earned overtook them. And those who did wrong of these [pagans of Makkah], will also be overtaken by the evil results (torment) for that which they earned, and they will never be able to escape.
Tafseer of Surah Al Zumar Ayat 50. Thus did the (generations) before them say! But all that they did was of no profit to them. Ayat 51. Nay, the evil results of their Deeds overtook them. And the wrong-doers of this (generation)- the evil results of their Deeds will soon overtake them (too), and they will never be able to frustrate (Our Plan)! Cf. 16:34. It is the same story through the ages. People laugh at Truth, persecute Truth, and try to destroy Truth. But Allah's Plan is never to be frustrated. It will be carried out, and only the enemies of Truth will accomplish their own undoing. So it happened in Arabia: so will it happen always and everywhere.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "When Ramadan begins, the gates of Jannah are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 123].
Lesson: This is a special distinction of the month of Ramadan during which Muslims become more inclined towards the worship of Allah. They pay greater attention to the recitation of the Qur'an, remembrance of Allah, worship, and seeking pardon for sins.
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