Ayat 5. Nay, they say:"These (revelations of the Qur'an which
are inspired to Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) ) are mixed up false dreams! Nay, he has
invented it! Nay, he is a poet! Let him then bring us an Ayah (sign as a
proof) like the ones (Prophets) that were sent before (with signs)!"
Ayat 6.
Not one of the towns (populations), of those which We destroyed, believed
before them (though We sent them signs), will they then believe?
"Nay," they say, "(these are)
medleys of dream! -Nay, He forged it! - Nay, He is (but) a poet! Let him then
bring us a Sign like the ones that were sent to (Prophets) of
old!" The
charges against Allah's inspired Messenger are heaped up "Magic!" says one: that
means, "We don't understand it!" Says another, "Oh! but we know! he is a mere
dreamer of confused dreams!" If the "dreams" fit in with real things and vital
experience, another will suggest, "Oh yes! why drag in supernatural agencies? he
is clever enough to forge it himself!" Or another suggests, "He is a poet! Poets
can invent things and say them in beautiful words!" Another interposes, "What we
should like to see is miracles, like those we read of in stories of the Prophets
of old!" (As to those) before them, not one
of the populations which We destroyed believed: will these believe?
'If such miracles as you read of failed to convince
Unbelievers of old, what chance is there that these Unbelievers will believe?
Miracles may come, but they are not cures for Unbelief.'
Hazrat Jabir (May
Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Every one will be raised in the condition in which he dies".
[Muslim Book 40,Chapter 19, Hadith #
Lesson : as
mentioned above in Surah Al-Anbiya Ayat 06."Not one of the towns
(populations), of those which We destroyed," This Hadith signifies that if a person dies performing
good deeds, he will have a good end; and the one who dies in misdeeds, he will
come to a bad end. It is, therefore, necessary that one should always avoid
disobedience of Divine injunctions, especially in old age and illness because
one may fall in the clutches of death at any time.
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