৯১. অতঃপর সে তাদের দেবালয়ে, গিয়ে ঢুকল এবং বললঃ তোমরা খাচ্ছ না কেন?
৯২. তোমাদের কি হল যে, কথা বলছ না?
৯৩. অতঃপর সে প্রবল আঘাতে তাদের উপর ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ল।
৯৪. তখন লোকজন তার দিকে ছুটে এলো ভীত-সন্ত্রস্ত পদে।
৯৫. সে বললঃ তোমরা স্বহস্ত নির্মিত পাথরের পূজা কর কেন?
৯৬. অথচ আল্লাহ তোমাদেরকে এবং তোমরা যা নির্মাণ করছ সবাইকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন।
Ayat 91. Then Ibrahim PBUH turned to their aliha (gods) and said: "Will you not eat (of the offering before you)?
Tafseer of Surah As-Saffat (Those Ranged in Ranks) Ayat 91. Then did Ibrahim PBUH turn to their gods and said, "will ye not eat (of the offerings before you)? Ayat 92. "What is the matter with you that ye speak not (intelligently)?" Ayat 93. Then did Ibrahim PBUH turn upon them, striking (them) with the right hand. With the right hand: as the right hand is the hand of power, the phrase means that he struck them with might and main and broke them (Cf. 37:28). Ayat 94. Then came (the worshippers) with hurried steps, and faced (him). Ayat 95. He said: "Worship ye that which ye have (yourselves) carved? His action was a challenge, and Ibrahim PBUH drives home the challenge now with argument. 'Do you worship your own handiwork? Surely worship is due to Him Who made you and made possible your handiwork!' Ayat 96. "But Allah has created you and your handwork!"
Hazrat Mauwiyah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 01, Chapter 03, Hadith # 071].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah As-Saffat Ayat 95. Ibrahim PBUH said: "Worship you that which you (yourselves) carve?” Knowledge and understanding of Deen (religion) here stands for the understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith, religious injunctions, and knowledge of the lawful and the unlawful. This Hadith highlights the excellence of knowledge and the fact that it is a sign of Allah's Help to the person who possesses it and acts upon it.
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