৩৩. যদি সব মানুষের এক মতাবলম্বী হয়ে যাওয়ার আশংকা না থাকত, তবে যারা দয়াময় আল্লাহকে অস্বীকার করে আমি তাদেরকে দিতাম তাদের গৃহের জন্যে রৌপ্য নির্মিত ছাদ ও সিঁড়ি, যার উপর তারা চড়ত।
৩৪. এবং তাদের গৃহের জন্যে দরজা দিতাম এবং পালংক দিতাম যাতে তারা হেলান দিয়ে বসত।
৩৫. এবং স্বর্ণনির্মিতও দিতাম। এগুলো সবই তো পার্থিব জীবনের ভোগ সামগ্রী মাত্র। আর পরকাল আপনার পালনকর্তার কাছে তাঁদের জন্যেই যারা ভয় করে।
Ayat 33. And were it not that all mankind would have become of one community (all disbelievers, desiring worldly life only), We would have provided for those who disbelieve in the Most Beneficent (Allah), silver roofs for their houses, and elevators (and stair-ways, etc. of silver) whereby they ascend,
Ayat 34. And for their houses, doors (of silver), and thrones (of silver) on which they could recline,
Ayat 35. And
adornments of gold. Yet all this (i.e. the roofs, doors, stairs,
elevators, thrones etc. of their houses) would have been nothing but an
enjoyment of this world. And the Hereafter with your Lord is only for
the Muttaqun.
Tafseer of Al Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) Ayat 33 to 35. So little value is attached in the spiritual world to silver or gold, or worldly ranks or adornments, that they would freely be at the disposal of everyone who denied or blasphemed Allah, were it not that in that case there would be too great temptation placed in the way of men, for they might all scramble to sell their spiritual life for wealth! They might have silver roofs and stairways, silver doors and thrones, and all kinds of adornments of gold. But Allah does not allow too great a temptation to be placed in the path of men. He distributes these things differently, some to unjust men, and some to just men, in various degrees, so that the possession of these is no test either of an unjust or a just life. His wisdom searches out motives far more subtle and delicate than any we are even aware of. Ayat 34. And (silver) doors to their houses, and thrones (of silver) on which they could recline, Ayat 35. And also adornments of gold. But all this were nothing but conveniences of the present life: The Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord is for the Righteous. Adornments of gold,: the keyword to this Surah. All false glitter and adornments of this world are as naught. They more often hinder than help.
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:
We were repairing our thatchy hut when Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) passed by and asked us, "What are you doing?'' We said, "The thatch had gone weak and we are repairing it.'' He
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "I see the sure thing (death) approaching sooner than this.'' [At-Tirmidhi Hadith # 2335].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al Zukhruf Ayat 35. And adornments of gold. Yet all this (i.e. the roofs, doors, stairs, elevators, thrones etc. of their houses) would have been nothing but an enjoyment of this world. And the Hereafter with your Lord is only for the Muttaqun” The word "Khuss'' means a hut or a house which is made of wood and reed/bamboo and plastered with mud. The Hadith reminds us to be mindful of death at all times and be certain that there is nothing nearer to us than it. It also tells us that we should not engage in those worldly things which are bound to make us forget about our appointed term in this world.
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