২৮. এ কথাটিকে সে অক্ষয় বাণীরূপে তার সন্তানদের মধ্যে রেখে গেছে,
যাতে তারা আল্লাহর দিকেই আকৃষ্ট থাকে।
২৯. পরন্ত আমিই এদেরকে ও এদের পূর্বপুরুষদেরকে জীবনোপভোগ করতে দিয়েছি,
অবশেষে তাদের কাছে সত্য ও স্পষ্ট বর্ণনাকারী রসূল আগমন করেছে।
৩০. যখন সত্য তাদের কাছে আগমন করল,
তখন তারা বলল,
এটা যাদু,
আমরা একে মানি না।
৩১. তারা বলে,
কোরআন কেন দুই জনপদের কোন প্রধান ব্যক্তির উপর অবতীর্ণ হল না?
Ayat 28. And he (Abraham PBUH) made it [i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah
(none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone)] a Word lasting
among his offspring (True Monotheism), that they may turn back (i.e. to
repent to Allah or receive admonition).
Ayat 29. Nay,
but I gave (the good things of this life) to these (polytheists) and
their fathers to enjoy, till there came to them the truth (the Qur’an),
and a Messenger (Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH), making things clear.
Ayat 30. And
when the truth (this Qur’an) came to them, they (the disbelievers in
this Qur’an) said: "This is magic, and we disbelieve therein."
Ayat 31. And they say: "Why is not this Qur’an sent down to some great man of the two towns (Makkah and Ta'if)?"
Tafseer of Al Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) Ayat 28. A Word: i.e., the Gospel of Unity, viz. "I worship only Him Who made me", as in verse 27. This was his teaching, and this was his legacy to those who followed him. He hoped that they would keep it sacred, and uphold the standard of Unity. Cf. C. 7-8. Cf. also 37:108-111. Ayat 29. Yea, I have given the good things of this life to these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has come to them, and a messenger making things clear. Note the first person singular, as showing Allah's personal solicitude and care for the descendants of Abraham PBUH in both branches. The context here refers to the prosperity enjoyed by Makkah and the Makkans until they rejected the truth of Islam when it was preached in their midst by a messenger whose Message was as clear as the light of the sun. Ayat 30. But when the Truth came to them, they said: "This is sorcery, and we do reject it." When the pagan Makkans could not understand the wonderful power and authority with which the Prophet preached, they called his God-given influence sorcery! Ayat 31. Also, they say: "Why is not this Qur´an sent down to some leading man in either of the two (Chief) cities?" The world judges by its own low standards. From a worldly point of view, the Prophet was poor and an orphan. Why, they thought, should he be so richly endowed in spiritual knowledge and power? If such a gift had to come to a man among them, it was the right (they foolishly said) of one of the chiefs in either the sacred city of Makkah, or the fertile garden-city of Ta'if!
Hazrat Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "In the morning, charity is due on every joint bone of
the body of every one of you. Every utterance of Allah's Glorification
(i.e., saying Subhan Allah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of
His Praise (i.e., saying Al-hamdu lillah) is an act of charity and
every utterance of declaration of His Greatness
(i.e., saying La ilaha illAllah) is an act of charity; and enjoining
Maruf (good) is an act of charity, and forbidding Munkar (evil) is an
act of charity, and two Rak`ah Duha prayers which one performs in the
forenoon is equal to all this (in reward).''
[Muslim Hadith # 1557].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al Zukhruf Ayat 28. And he made it [i.e. La ilaha ill-Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Alone)] a Word lasting among his offspring (True Monotheism), that they may turn back (i.e. to repent to Allah or receive admonition)” "Charity is due from every joint bone" means that when a person gets up in the morning, it is obligatory for him to thank Allah for having every joint of his intact. Therefore, one must praise and glorify Allah. Since a single invocation of the words mentioned in this Hadith is equivalent to one Sadaqah, one must say these words for 360 times - a number which equals the number of joints in man's body. Moreover, to enjoin someone to do what is good and dissuade somebody from vice constitutes Sadaqah. However, if one performs two Rak`ah of Ishraq Duha prayer, it will serve for Sadaqah for all the joints of the body. Thus, this Hadith highlights the merits and importance of Ishraq Duha prayer. We also learn from this Hadith that Sadaqah is not restricted to spending money alone but also has a vast meaning and covers all forms of virtues mentioned here.
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