১৫. তিনি কি তাঁর সৃষ্টি থেকে কন্যা সন্তান গ্রহণ করেছেন এবং তোমাদের জন্য
মনোনীত করেছেন পুত্র সন্তান?
১৬. তারা
রহমান আল্লাহর জন্যে যে,
কন্যা-সন্তান বর্ণনা করে,
যখন তাদের কাউকে তার
সংবাদ দেয়া হয়,
তখন তার মুখমন্ডল কালো হয়ে যায় এবং ভীষণ মনস্তাপ ভোগ করে।
১৭. তারা কি এমন ব্যক্তিকে আল্লাহর জন্যে বর্ণনা করে,
যে অলংকারে লালিত-পালিত হয় এবং বিতর্কে কথা বলতে অক্ষম।
Ayat 16. Or has He (Allah) taken daughters out of what He has created, and He has selected for you sons?
Ayat 17. And
if one of them is informed of the news of (the birth of daughter) that
which he set forth as a parable to the Most Beneficent (Allah) (i.e. of a
girl), his face becomes dark, gloomy, and he is filled with grief!
Ayat 18. (Do
they then like for Allah) a creature who is brought up in adornments
(wearing silk and gold ornaments, i.e. women), and in dispute cannot
make herself clear?.
Tafseer of Al Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) Ayat 16. To imagine goddesses (female gods) or mothers or daughters to Allah was particularly blasphemous in the mouths of people who held the female sex in contempt. Such were the pagan Arabs, and such (it is to be feared) are some of the moderns. They wince when a daughter is born to them and hanker after sons. With that mentality, how can they attribute daughters to Allah? 17. When news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) what he sets up as a likeness to ((Allah)) Most Gracious, his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief! Cf. 16:57-59 and notes. With scathing irony it is pointed out that what they hate and are ashamed of for themselves they attribute to Allah! Ayat 18. Is then one brought up among trinkets, and unable to give a clear account in a dispute (to be associated with Allah.? The softer sex is usually brought up among trinkets and ornaments, and, on account of the retiring modesty which for the sex is a virtue, is unable to stand up boldly in a fight and give clear indications of the will to win. Is that the sort of quality to be associated with Allah?
Hazrat Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Whoever
supports two girls (daughters or sisters) till they attain maturity, he
and I will come on the Day of Resurrection like this". Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) joined his fingers illustrating this. [Muslim Book 32, Chapter 44, Hadith # 6364].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al Zukhruf Ayat 17. And if one of them is informed of the news of (the birth of daughter) that which he set forth as a parable to the Most Beneficent (Allah) (i.e. of a girl), his face becomes dark, gloomy, and he is filled with grief! In the pre-Islamic era, Arabs were greatly dejected and showed resentment on the birth of a daughter, which in fact reflected the status of women in society, In order to give them their rightful place in the society, Islam taught its followers to recognize their legitimate rights. Among the injunctions which were issued in this behalf, the most important was that their proper upbringing, education and training were made a means to attain Jannah so that people did not only feel joy over the birth of sons but also felt pleasure on the birth of daughters. In this respect, Islam is the first religion which has not only ensured protection of their rights but also made full arrangements for their respect and prestige in society. For instance, they have been prohibited from having close contacts with men and for this purpose restriction of the veil has been imposed on them. Islam has emancipated them from the obligation of earning their own livelihood so that they are safe from the malicious eyes of evil-minded, and secure from the sexual lust of men, the way it is happening with women who are working side by side with men in the West. But it is a curse indeed that due to intellectual immaturity and evil trends, this freedom of women, which has disgraced and robbed them of the virtues of a chaste life, is liked by many people and they are trying that Muslim women should also imitate the style of western women. To the people of such crooked thinking, the Islamic teachings, which ensure the honor and chastity of women, appear to be the yoke of slavery and they want to release women from it.
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