৭৬. তারা সবুজ মসনদে এবং উৎকৃষ্ট মূল্যবান বিছানায় হেলান দিয়ে বসবে।
৭৭. অতএব,
তোমরা উভয়ে তোমাদের পালনকর্তার কোন কোন অবদানকে অস্বীকার করবে?
৭৮. কত পূণ্যময় আপনার পালনকর্তার নাম,
যিনি মহিমাময় ও মহানুভব।
Ayat 78. Blessed be the Name of your Lord (Allah), the Owner of Majesty and Honour.
Tafseer of Surah Ar-Rahman Ayat 76. Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty, the parallel words for the other two Gardens, in 55:54 above, which suggest perhaps a higher dignity. Rafraf is usually translated by Cushions or Pillows, and I have followed this meaning in view of the word "reclining". But another interpretation is "Meadows", in view of the adjective "green"— 'abqari: carpets richly figured and dyed, and skillfully worked. 77. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? 78. Blessed be the name of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour. Cf. 55:27. This minor echo completes the symmetry of the two leading Ideas of this Surah the Bounty and Majesty of Allah, and the Duty of man to make himself worthy of nearness to Allah.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
said, "I know of the last of the inhabitants of the Hell to be taken
out from there and the last one to enter Jannah. He is a man who will
come out of the Fire, crawling on all fours. Allah, the Rubb of glory
and honour will say to him: `Go and enter Jannah.' He will go to it and
think that it is full up. He will then come back and say: `O my Rubb, it
is full up.' Allah will say to him: `Go and enter Jannah.' He will
again go to it and think that it is full up. So he will turn back. Allah
will again say: `Go and enter Jannah. For you have what is equal to ten
times the world.' He will say: `Are You making fun of me while You are
the King?'' At this I (i.e., the narrator) saw the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) laugh till his premolars were visible and he said, "Such man will
be the last dweller of Jannah in its lowest rank.'' [Al-Bukhari Hadith # 6571 and Muslim Hadith # 359]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Ar-Rahman Ayat 77. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?". The general habit of the Prophet (PBUH) was just to smile. But while telling about the gifts and honors about an ordinary person in Jannah, he could not help laughing in a manner that his molars became visible. The person on the lowest pedestal in Jannah will be given ten times better things and gifts that could he had on this earth. May Allah admit us into Jannah in His Mercy. Ameen.