১৪. তারা
সংঘবদ্ধভাবেও তোমাদের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ করতে পারবে না।
তারা যুদ্ধ করবে
কেবল সুরক্ষিত জনপদে অথবা দুর্গ প্রাচীরের আড়াল থেকে।
তাদের পারস্পরিক
যুদ্ধই প্রচন্ড হয়ে থাকে।
আপনি তাদেরকে ঐক্যবদ্ধ মনে করবেন;
কিন্তু তাদের
অন্তর শতধাবিচ্ছিন্ন।
এটা এ কারণে যে,
তারা এক কান্ডজ্ঞানহীণ সম্প্রদায়।
Ayat 14. They
fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or
from behind walls. Their enmity among themselves is very great. You
would think they were united, but their hearts are divided, that is
because they are a people who understand not.
Tafseer of Surah Al-Hashr [The Gathering] Ayat 14. They will not fight you (even) together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Strong is their fighting (spirit) amongst themselves: thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom. They have not sufficient self-confidence or elan to sustain them in a fight except under material advantages or defenses. Even if they join forces, they have not sufficient trust in each other to expose themselves to open fighting. 'It may be that they have a strong fighting spirit among themselves, but they have no Cause to fight for and no common objective to achieve. The Makkan Pagans want to keep their own unjust autocracy; the Madinah Hypocrites wish for their own domination in Madinah; and the Jews want their racial superiority established over the Arabs, of whose growing union and power they are jealous.' Their pretended alliance could not stand the strain of either a defeat or a victory. If they had been wise, they would have accepted the Cause of Unity, Faith, and Truth.
Hazrat Abu Thabit (Abu Saeed / Abu Waleed) heard from Hazrat Sahl bin Hunaif (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH) said: "He who asks Allah for martyrdom, Allah will raise him to the high status of the martyrs, even if he dies on his bed".
[Muslim Book 20, Chapter 46, Hadith # 4695].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Hashr Ayat 14. They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls.” This Hadith highlights the merit and importance of sincere intention which in fact is so great that by virtue of it Allah raises a person's status to that of a martyr. On the contrary, persons of foul intention will be consigned to Hell by Allah even if they die in Jihad.
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