Ayat 83. He [Yaqub (Jacob)]{PBUH} said: "Nay, but
your ownselves have beguiled you into something. So patience is most fitting
(for me). May be Allah will bring them (back) all to me. Truly {Allah}! only
Allah is All-Knowing,
Ayat 84. And he turned away from them and said:
"Alas, my grief for Yusuf (Joseph){PBUH}!" And he lost his sight because of the
sorrow that he was
Hazrat Al-Mughirah bin Shubah (May Allah
be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) used to say at the conclusion of prayer: "La ilaha
illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku, wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa `ala
kulli shai'in Qadir. Allahumma la mani`a lima a'tayta, wa la mu`tiya lima
mana`ta, wa la yanfa`u dhal-jaddi, minkal-jaddu (there is no true god except
Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him, His is the sovereignty and His
is the praise, and He is Omnipotent. O Allah! None can deny that which You
bestow and none can bestow that which You hold back; and the greatness of the
great will be of no avail to them against You).''
[Al-Bukhari Chapter 9,
Book 92, Hadith # 395].
Lesson : as
mentioned above in Surah Yusuf Ayat
83. "Truly He {Allah}! only Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise."
"Al-Jaddu'' means good luck and
richness. That is, good fortune and prosperity will not be of any avail before
Allah. What will really benefit a person before Him are Faith and virtuous
deeds. The prayer quoted in this Hadith makes a special mention of His Oneness.
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