৫৭. সেদিন জালেমদের ওযর-আপত্তি তাদের কোন উপকারে আসবে না এবং তওবা করে আল্লাহর সন্তুষ্টি লাভের সুযোগও তাদের দেয়া হবে না।
৫৮. আমি এই কোরআনে মানুষের জন্য সর্বপ্রকার দৃষ্টান্ত বর্ণনা করেছি। আপনি যদি তাদের কাছে কোন নিদর্শন উপস্থিত করেন, তবে কাফেররা অবশ্যই বলবে, তোমরা সবাই মিথ্যাপন্থী।
Ayat 57. So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail those who did wrong (by associating partners in worship with Allah, and by denying the Day of Resurrection), nor will they be allowed (then) to return to seek Allah’s Pleasure (by having Islamic Faith with righteous deeds and by giving up polytheism, sins and crimes with repentance).
Ayat 58. And indeed Allah have set forth for mankind, in this Qur’an every kind of parable. But if you (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) bring to them any sign or proof, (as an evidence for the truth of your Prophet hood), the disbelievers are sure to say (to the believers): "You follow nothing but falsehood, and magic."
Tafseer of Surah Al Rum (The Romans) Ayat 57 and 58. So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail the Transgressors, nor will they be invited (then) to seek grace (by repentance). It will be no use for those who deliberately rejected the clearest warnings in Allah's Message to say: "Oh we did not realize this!" The excuse will be false, and it would be unreasonable to suppose that they would then be asked to seek Grace by repentance. It will then be too late (Cf. 16:84). Verily Allah have propounded for men, in this Quran every kind of Parable: But if thou bring to them any Sign, the Unbelievers are sure to say, "Ye do nothing but talk vanities." Things of the highest moment have been explained in the Qur'an from various points of view, as in this Surah itself, by means of parables and similitude’s drawn from nature and from our ordinary daily life. But whatever the explanation, however convincing it may be to men who earnestly seek after Truth, those who deliberately turn their backs to Truth can find nothing convincing. In their eyes the explanations are mere "vain talk" or false arguments.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "He who spends a pair in the way of Allah will be called from the gates of Jannah: `O slave of Allah! This gate is better for you' and one who is constant in Salat (prayer), will be called from the Gate of Salat; and whoever is eager in fighting in the Cause of Allah, will be called from the Gate of Jihad; and who is regular in observing Saum will be called from Ar-Raiyan Gate. The one who is generous in charity will be called from the Gate of Charity.'' Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "O Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH)! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! Those who are called from these gates will stand in need of nothing. Will anybody be called from all of those gates?'' He replied, "Yes, and I hope that you will be one of them.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 121].
Lesson : "Pair'' means two; in other channels of transmission, it has been explained thus: "They asked him, `Pair of what?' He
[SAWW](PBUH) said, `A pair of horses, cows or camels'.'' "Pair'' in this Hadith, however, can be all-inclusive; i.e., fasting two days or performing two prayers, etc. This Hadith also mentions special distinction of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him) and the esteem in which he was held by the Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH). It also transpires from this Hadith that one can praise such a person right on his face about whom one does not fear that it will make him proud. This Hadith has also an inducement for giving in Sadaqah two instead of a single item.
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