৪৭. আপনার পূর্বে আমি রসূলগণকে তাঁদের নিজ নিজ সম্প্রদায়ের কাছে প্রেরণ করেছি। তাঁরা তাদের কাছে সুস্পষ্ট নিদর্শনাবলী নিয়ে আগমন করেন। অতঃপর যারা পাপী ছিল, তাদের আমি শাস্তি দিয়েছি।মুমিনদের সাহায্য করা আমার দায়িত্ব।
Ayat 47. And indeed We did send Messengers before you (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) to their own peoples. They came to them with clear proofs, then, We took vengeance on those who committed crimes (disbelief, setting partners in worship with Allah, sins, etc.), and (as for) the believers it was incumbent upon Us to help (them).
Tafseer of Surah Al Rum (The Romans) Ayat 47. Allah did indeed send, before thee, messengers to their (respective) peoples, and they came to them with Clear Signs: then, to those who transgressed, Allah meted out Retribution: and it was due from Us to aid those who believed.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "If any one of you forgetfully eats or drinks (while observing fasting) he should complete his Saum (fasting), for Allah has fed him and given him to drink.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 03, Chapter 31, Hadith # 154].
Lesson : This Hadith tells us of a kindness and convenience of Islam that during the Saum if a person inadvertently does any such thing which destroys his Saum, i.e., eating, drinking, cohabitation with wife, etc., his Saum will remain intact due to forgetfulness, provided one abandons the act as soon as he remembers that he is observing Saum . He needs not make any expiation for such a Saum.
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