১৫. যারা
ছিল আদ,
তারা পৃথিবীতে অযথা অহংকার করল এবং বলল,
আমাদের অপেক্ষা অধিক
শক্তিধর কে? তারা কি লক্ষ্য করেনি যে,
যে আল্লাহ তাদেরকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন,
তিনি তাদের অপেক্ষা অধিক শক্তিধর? বস্তুতঃ তারা আমার নিদর্শনাবলী অস্বীকার
Ayat 15. As
for 'Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right, and they said:
"Who is mightier than us in strength?" See they not that Allah, Who
created them was mightier in strength than them. And they used to deny
Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.)!
Tafseer of Surah Ha-Mim Al-Sajdah (or Surah Fussilat) Ayat 15. Now the ´Ad behaved arrogantly through the land, against (all) truth and reason, and said: "Who is superior to us in strength?" What! did they not see that Allah, Who created them, was superior to them in strength? But they continued to reject Our Signs! Against (all) truth and reason: Cf. 7:33 . Their estimate of their own strength was greater than was justified by facts, but if they had all the strength which they arrogated to themselves, yet how could they stand before Allah?
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
delivered a Khutbah and said, "O people! Hajj (pilgrimage to the House
of Allah) has been made incumbent upon you, so perform Hajj.'' A man
inquired: "O Messenger of Allah, is it prescribed every year?'' He
[SAWW](PBUH) remained silent till the man repeated it thrice. Then he
said, "Had I replied in the affirmative, it would have surely become
obligatory, and you would not have been able to fulfill it.'' Afterwards
he said, "Do not ask me so long as I do not impose anything upon you,
because those who were before you were destroyed on account of their
frequent questioning and their disagreement with their Prophets. So when
I order you to do something, do it as far as you can; and when I forbid
you from doing anything, eschew it.'' [Muslim Book 007, Chapter 71, Hadith # 3095].
Lesson : This Hadith brings out the following points:
1. Hajj is compulsory once in a lifetime for those who have the means for it.
2. Unnecessary questioning is disliked.
3. Those who believe in Allah and His Prophet
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