৩৭. তাদের কাছে কি আপনার পালনকর্তার ভান্ডার রয়েছে,
না তারাই সবকিছুর তত্ত্বাবধায়ক?
৩৮. না তাদের কোন সিঁড়ি আছে,
যাতে আরোহণ করে তারা শ্রবণ করে?
থাকলে তাদের শ্রোতা সুস্পষ্ট প্রমাণ উপস্থিত করুক।
Ayat 37. Or are with them the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the tyrants with the authority to do as they like?
Ayat 38. Or
have they a stairway (to heaven), by means of which they listen (to the
talks of the angels)? Then let their listener produce some manifest
Tafseer of Surah At-Tur (The Mount) Ayat 37. Or are the Treasures of thy Lord with them, or are they the managers (of affairs)? Cf. 6:50. The Treasures of Allah's Knowledge are infinite. But the doubters and unbelievers have no access to them, much less can the doubters and unbelievers manage the wonders of this world. Must they not therefore seek grace and revelation from Allah? 38. Or have they a ladder, by which they can (climb up to heaven and) listen (to its secrets)? Then let (such a) listener of theirs produce a manifest proof. Cf. 6:35: a reference to the Pagan belief that by means of a material ladder a man might climb up to heaven and learn its secrets!
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
said, "Verily! The world is accursed and what it contains is accursed,
except remembrance of Allah and those who associate themselves with
Allah; and a learned man, and a learning person.'' [At-Tirmidhi Hadith # 2322].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah At-Tur Ayat 37. Or are with them the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the tyrants with the authority to do as they like? 1. This Hadith does not mean that this world is totally condemned. What it really means is that such things of this world are cursed which take a person away from Allah and make him careless about his obedience. Thus, anything of this world can be good and evil. For instance, worldly goods are auspicious if one acquires them through lawful means and spends them in a permissible manner, otherwise, they are condemnable. Similar is the case of other things of this world.
2. That knowledge is good which brings one closer to Allah and is a source of benefit for mankind, otherwise, it is also condemnable.
3. This Hadith also brings into prominence the distinction of men of learning, especially scholars of religious disciplines.
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