৬০. আমি তোমাদের মৃত্যুকাল নির্ধারিত করেছি এবং আমি অক্ষম নই।
৬১. এ ব্যাপারে যে,
তোমাদের পরিবর্তে তোমাদের মত লোককে নিয়ে আসি এবং তোমাদেরকে এমন করে
যা তোমরা জান না।
Tafseer of Surah Al-Waqi’ah 60 to 61. We have decreed Death to be your common lot, and We are not to be frustrated Just as Allah has created this life that we see, so He has decreed that Death should be the common lot of all of us. Surely, if He can thus give life and death, as we see it, why should we refuse to believe that He can give us other forms when this life is over? The Future Life, though indicated by what we know now, is to be on a wholly different plane. 61. from changing your Forms and creating you (again) in (forms) that ye know not.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures - death.''
[At-Tirmidhi Hadith # 2307].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Waqi’ah Ayat 60. We have decreed death to you all, and We are not unable," Being heedful and talking about death checks man from being lost in the worldly pleasures and seductions. We are, therefore, supposed to remember death frequently and to avoid remaining indifferent to post-death affairs and occurrences.
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