৩. তিনিই প্রথম,
তিনিই সর্বশেষ,
তিনিই প্রকাশমান ও অপ্রকাশমান এবং তিনি সব বিষয়ে সম্যক পরিজ্ঞাত।
Ayat 3. He
is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after
Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is
nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of everything.
Tafseer of Surah Al-Hadid 3. He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Hidden: and He has full knowledge of all things. Allah is Evident insofar as there is ample evidence of His existence and providence all around us. On the other hand, Allah is Hidden insofar as intellect cannot grasp His essence nor can He be seen in the present world. The following tradition in Sahih Muslim is also significant for an understanding of this verse. The Prophet (peace be on him) said: "Thou art the First, so that there was nothing before Thee; and Thou art the Last, so that there is nothing after Thee; and Thou art Evident, (or Ascendant) so that there is nothing above Thee, and Thou art the Hidden, the Knower of hidden things, so that there is nothing hidden from Thee."
by Hazrat Safiyyah, daughter of Abu `Ubaid, (May Allah be pleased with
them) reported on the authority of some of the wives of the Prophet
(PBUH) who said : The Messenger of Allah
said, "He who goes to one who claims to tell about matters of the
Unseen and believes in him, his Salat (prayers) will not be accepted for
forty days.'' [Muslim Book 26, Chapter 33, Hadith # 5540].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Hadid Ayat 03. And He is the All-Knower of everything" We learn from this Hadith that visiting soothsayers and astrologers for the purpose of knowing from them what lies hidden in future is such a great offense that he who does it, loses all merits of his forty days Salat. Some people try to detect the culprits involved in a theft case through the so-called fortunetellers or seek their advice in matters relating to business, marriage etc. All such things are unlawful because Allah Alone knows the invisible world.
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