৮৮. যদি সে নৈকট্যশীলদের একজন হয়;
৮৯. তবে তার জন্যে আছে সুখ,
উত্তম রিযিক এবং নেয়ামতে ভরা উদ্যান।
৯০. আর যদি সে ডান পার্শ্বস্থদের একজন হয়,
৯১. তবে তাকে বলা হবেঃ তোমার জন্যে ডানপার্শ্বসস্থদের পক্ষ থেকে সালাম।
Ayat 91. Then there is safety and peace (from the Punishment of Allah) for (you as you are from) those on the Right Hand.
Tafseer of Surah Al-Waqi’ah 88. Thus, then, if he be of those Nearest to Allah, See above, 56:11-26 and notes. 89. (There is for him) Rest and Satisfaction, and a Garden of Delights. Rayhan: sweet-smelling plants, as in 55:12. Here used as symbolical of complete Satisfaction and Delight. 90. And if he be of the Companions of the Right Hand, See 56:27-38 and notes. 91. (For him is the salutation), "Peace be unto thee", from the Companions of the Right Hand. In 56:26 above the salutation of "Peace, Peace!" is addressed to those Nearest to Allah. Here we learn that it is also addressed to the Companions of the Right Hand. Both are in Gardens of Bliss: only the former have a higher Dignity than the latter.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that The Messenger of Allah
used to say: "Allahumma inni as'alukal-huda wat-tuqa wal-`afafa
wal-ghina (O Allah! I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity and
[Muslim Book 37, Chapter 17, Hadith # 6566].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Waqi’ah Ayat 91. Then there is safety and peace (from the Punishment of Allah) for (you as you are from) those on the Right Hand." This Hadith contains four words, the meanings and implications of which constitute its essence. These words are guidance, piety (fear of Allah), chastity and sufficiency. Guidance here means guidance at every turn of life and steadfastness on the path of truth. Fear of Allah is the greatest means of piety and strongest defense against sins. Chastity is the state of being free from what is unlawful. Self-sufficiency is the antonym of poverty and here it means the self-contentment. What it implies is that one should not care for what people possess. In view of all these qualities, the prayer of the Prophet
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