১৫. তোমরা
যখন যুদ্ধলব্ধ ধন-সম্পদ সংগ্রহের জন্য যাবে,
তখন যারা পশ্চাতে থেকে
তারা বলবেঃ আমাদেরকেও তোমাদের সঙ্গে যেতে দাও।
তারা আল্লাহর
কালাম পরিবর্তন করতে চায়।
বলুনঃ তোমরা কখনও আমাদের সঙ্গে যেতে পারবে না।
আল্লাহ পূর্ব থেকেই এরূপ বলে দিয়েছেন।
তারা বলবেঃ বরং তোমরা আমাদের প্রতি
বিদ্বেষ পোষণ করছ।
পরন্তু তারা সামান্যই বোঝে।
Ayat 15. Those
who lagged behind will say, when you set forth to take the spoils,
"Allow us to follow you," They want to change Allah’s Words. Say: "You
shall not follow us; thus Allah has said beforehand." Then they will
say: "Nay, you envy us." Nay, but they understand not except a little.
Tafseer of Surah Al-Fath Ayat 15. Those who lagged behind(4883) (will say), when ye (are free to) march and take booty (in war): "Permit us to follow you." They wish to change Allah’s decree: Say: "Not thus(4884) will ye follow us: Allah has already declared(4885) (this) beforehand": then they will say, "But ye are(4886) jealous of us." Nay, but little do they understand (such things). 4883 Now comes out another motive behind the minds of the laggards. The journey for pilgrimage had no promise of war booty. If at any future time there should be a promise of booty they would come! But that is to reverse Allah's law and decree. Jihad is not for personal gain or booty: see S. 8 and Introduction to S. 8, paragraph 2. On the contrary Jihad is hard striving, in war and peace, in the Cause of Allah. 4884 Not thus: i.e., not on those terms; not if your object is only to gain booty. 4885 See 8:1, and n. 1179. 4886 The desert Arabs loved fighting and plunder, and understood such motives for war. The higher motives seemed to be beyond them. Like ignorant men they attributed petty motives or motives of jealousy if they were kept out of the vulgar circle of fighting for plunder. But they had to be schooled, and they were schooled to higher ideas of discipline, self-sacrifice, and striving hard for a Cause.
Hazrat Ibn Masud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: After the battle of Hunain, Messenger of Allah
favored some people in the distribution of spoils (for consolation). He
gave Al-Aqra bin Habis and Uyainah bin Hisn a hundred camels each and
showed favor also to some more honorable persons among the Arabs.
Someone said: "This division is not based on justice and it was not
intended to win the Pleasure of Allah.'' I said to myself: "By Allah! I
will inform Messenger of Allah
of this.'' I went to him and informed him. His face became red and he
said, "Who will do justice if Allah and His Messenger do not?'' Then he
said, "May Allah have mercy on (Prophet) Musa (Moses)[A.S]; he was
caused more distress than this but he remained patient.'' Having heard
this I said to myself: "I shall never convey anything of this kind to
him in future".
[Al-Bukhari Book 04, Chapter 53, Hadith # 378]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Fath Ayat 15. Those who lagged behind will say, when you set forth to take the spoils” This Hadith leads to the conclusion that the leader of the people or the Caliph has a right, if situation demands, to give to the new Muslims and other influential and respectable people of the society more than others for their satisfaction and encouragement. The man who raised objection on the distribution of booty by the Prophet
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