১৭. অন্ধের
খঞ্জের জন্যে ও রুগ্নের জন্যে কোন অপরাধ নাই এবং যে কেউ আল্লাহ ও
তাঁর রসূলের অনুগত্য করবে তাকে তিনি জান্নাতে দাখিল করবেন,
যার তলদেশে নদী
প্রবাহিত হয়।
পক্ষান্তরে যে,
ব্যক্তি পৃষ্ঠপ্রদর্শন করবে,
যন্ত্রণাদায়ক শাস্তি দিবেন।
Ayat. 17. No
blame or sin is there upon the blind, nor is there blame or sin upon
the lame, nor is there blame or sin upon the sick (that they go not
forth to war). And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad
He will admit him to Gardens beneath which rivers flow (Paradise); and
whosoever turns back, He will punish him with a painful torment.
Tafseer of Surah Al-Fath Ayat 17. No blame is there on the blind, nor is there blame on the lame, nor on one ill (if he joins not the war): But he that obeys Allah and his Messenger, (Allah) will admit him to Gardens beneath which rivers flow; and he who turns back, (Allah) will punish him with a grievous Penalty. There may be neither fighting nor booty. But all who obey the righteous Imam's call to Jihad with perfect discipline will get the Rewards of the Hereafter. The blind, the maimed, and the infirm will of course be exempted from active compliance with the Call, but they can render such services as are within their power, and then they will not be excluded from the reward.
Hazrat Abu Said Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "If anyone is pleased with Allah as his Rubb, with Islam as his religion and with Muhammad
as (Allah's) Messenger, surely, he will be entitled to enter Jannah.''
Abu Said was delighted with this and requested the Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) to repeat it. He
repeated it again and then said, "There is also another act by which
Allah will elevate the position of a (pious believing) slave in Jannah
to a grade one hundred degrees higher. And the distance between any two
grades is equal to the distance between heaven and earth.'' He asked the
Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) what it was and he
[SAWW](PBUH) replied, "Jihad in the way of Allah; Jihad in the way of Allah.'' [Muslim Hadith # 4645].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Fath Ayat 17 “And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad
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