১৫. অতএব,
আজ তোমাদের কাছ থেকে কোন মুক্তিপন গ্রহণ করা হবে না।
এবং কাফেরদের কাছ
থেকেও নয়।
তোমাদের সবার আবাস্থল জাহান্নাম।
সেটাই তোমাদের সঙ্গী।
কতই না
নিকৃষ্ট এই প্রত্যাবর্তন স্থল।
১৬. যারা
তাদের জন্যে কি আল্লাহর স্মরণে এবং যে সত্য অবর্তীর্ণ হয়েছে,
কারণে হৃদয় বিগলিত হওয়ার সময় আসেনি?
তারা তাদের মত যেন না হয়,
পূর্বে কিতাব দেয়া হয়েছিল।
তাদের উপর সুদীর্ঘকাল অতিক্রান্ত হয়েছে,
তাদের অন্তঃকরণ কঠিন হয়ে গেছে। তাদের অধিকাংশই পাপাচারী।
Ayat 15. So
this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites), nor of those
who disbelieved, (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism). Your
abode is the Fire, that is the proper place for you, and worst indeed is
that destination.
Ayat 16. Has
not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness
of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) to be affected by Allah’s Reminder (this
Qur’an), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become
as those who received the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel
(Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged
for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
Tafseer of Surah Al-Hadid Ayat 15. "This Day shall no ransom be accepted of you, nor of those who rejected Allah. Your abode is the Fire: that is the proper place to claim you: and an evil refuge it is!" In personal responsibility there is no room for vicarious ransom or for ransom by payments of gold or silver or by sacrifice of possessions. Nor can the crime be expiated for after Judgement 'You' and 'those who rejected Allah' are two ways of looking at the same persons. 'You are rejected because you rejected Allah.' Ayat 16. Has not the time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them), and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors. Humility and the remembrance of Allah and His Message are never more necessary than in the hour of victory and prosperity. The men immediately referred to are the contemporary Jews and Christians. To each of these Ummah was given Allah's Revelation, but as time passed, they corrupted it, became arrogant and hard-hearted, and subverted justice, truth, and the purity of Life. But the general lesson is far wider. No one is favored by Allah except on the score of righteousness. Except on that score, there is no chosen individual or race. There is no blind good fortune or ill fortune. All happens according to the just laws and Will of Allah. But at no time is humility or righteousness more necessary than in the hour of victory or triumph.
Hazrat Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A Bedouin came to the Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH) and asked him, "O Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH), what are the two imperatives which lead to Jannah or Hell". He
replied, "He who dies without associating anything with Allah will
enter Jannah, and he who dies associating partners with Allah will enter
the Fire". [Muslim Book 01,Chapter 41, Hadith # 168]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Hadid Ayat 15. So this Day no ransom shall be taken from you (hypocrites)," This Hadith also holds promise for a Muslim that being a Muslim and Muwahhid (believer in the Oneness of Allah) he will be at last sent to Jannah. Whether he goes straight to Jannah or after suffering the punishment of his sins in Hell, is a separate issue, but he will not remain in Hell forever. Eternal punishment in Hell is reserved only for pagans, polytheists, and infidels.
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