২৬. তিনি মুমিন ও সৎকর্মীদের দোয়া শোনেন এবং তাদের প্রতি স্বীয় অনুগ্রহ বাড়িয়ে দেন। আর কাফেরদের জন্যে রয়েছে কঠোর শাস্তি।
Ayat 26. And Allah answers (the invocation of) those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and gives them increase of His Bounty. And as for the disbelievers, theirs will be a severe torment.
Tafseer of Surah Al Shura (Consultation) Ayat 26. And He listens to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and gives them increase of His Bounty: but for the Unbelievers there is a terrible Penalty. To the prayers of the righteous He listens, and He gives them of His Bounty beyond their deserts. Every time they do a little good, they are increased in their goodness. Every right impulse or aspiration is strengthened and leads to progressive spiritual advancement.
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah
said: "Glorify your Lord in Ruku` (bowing posture) and exert yourself
in supplication in prostration. Thus your supplications are liable to be
accepted.'' [Muslim Book 004, Chapter 37, Hadith # 970].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "A slave becomes nearest to his Rubb when he is in prostration. So increase supplications while prostrating.'' [Muslim Book 004, Chapter 37, Hadith # 979]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Ash-Shura Ayat 26. And Allah answers (the invocation of) those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, Both the Ahadith mentioned above, evidently show that there is greater possibility of acceptance of an invocation which is made in prostration. Therefore, one must do it in the voluntary Salat.
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