৪৫. জাহান্নামের সামনে উপস্থিত করার সময় আপনি তাদেরকে দেখবেন, অপমানে অবনত এবং অর্ধ নিমীলিত দৃষ্টিতে তাকায়। মুমিনরা বলবে, কেয়ামতের দিন ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত তারাই, যারা নিজেদের ও তাদের পরিবার-পরিজনের ক্ষতি সাধন করেছে। শুনে রাখ, পাপাচারীরা স্থায়ী আযাবে থাকবে।
Ayat 45. And you will see them brought forward to it (Hell) made humble by disgrace, (and) looking with stealthy glance. And those who believe will say: "Verily, the losers are they who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, the Zalimun [i.e. Al-Kafirun (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness and in His Messenger, polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.)] will be in a lasting torment.
Tafseer of Surah Al Shura (Consultation) Ayat 45. And thou wilt see them brought forward to the (Penalty), in a humble frame of mind because of (their) disgrace, (and) looking with a stealthy glance. And the Believers will say: "Those are indeed in loss, who have given to perdition their own selves and those belonging to them on the Day of Judgment. Behold! Truly the Wrong-doers are in a lasting Penalty!" They were very arrogant in their probationary life. Now will they be humbled to the dust. And they will be in utter despair and misery. They will not be able to see the favour and good things of the other life (Cf. 20:124-126). Even their misery, which will face them as a terrible Reality, they will only be able to look at askance, so thoroughly cowed will be their spirit. This will be their thought, and their realized experience: 'after all, any troubles and sorrows, any persecutions and taunts which they suffered in the life of probation from the enemies of truth, were of no consequence; the real loss was that revealed at the Judgment at the restoration of true values; the wicked and the arrogant have lost their own souls, and have brought to perdition all who attached themselves to them and followed their evil ways; and this Penalty is one that will endure! How much more real it is!'
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, used
to say: "Allahumm-aslih li diniyalladhi huwa `ismatu amri, wa aslih li
dunyaya-llati fiha ma`ashi, wa aslih li akhirati-llati fiha ma`adi,
waj`alil-hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khair, waj`alil-mauta rahatan li
min kulli sharrin (O Allah, make my religion easy for me by virtue of
which my affairs are protected, set right for me my world where my life
exists, make good for me my Hereafter which is my resort to which I have
to return, and make my life prone to perform all types of good, and
make death a comfort for me from every evil).'' [Muslim Book 35, Chapter 17, Hadith # 6565]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Ash-Shura Ayat 45. “And those who believe will say: "Verily, the losers are they who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection” This Hadith contain a very comprehensive prayer which simply means: "O Allah! Help me spend all my life in complete devotion to You, doing what You like and avoiding what You dislike as Allah knows what is best for us as Allah is Best of the planners.''
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