৩৭. ওরা শ্রেষ্ঠ,
না তুব্বার সম্প্রদায় ও তাদের পূর্ববর্তীরা?
আমি ওদেরকে ধ্বংস করে দিয়েছি।
ওরা ছিল অপরাধী।
৩৮. আমি নভোমন্ডল,
ভূমন্ডল ও এতদুভয়ের মধ্যবর্তী সবকিছু ক্রীড়াচ্ছলে সৃষ্টি করিনি।
৩৯. আমি এগুলো যথাযথ উদ্দেশ্যে সৃষ্টি করেছি;
কিন্তু তাদের অধিকাংশই বোঝে না।
Ayat 37. Are they better or the people of Tubba' and those before them? We destroyed them because they were indeed Mujrimun (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals, etc.).
Ayat 38. And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play,
Ayat 39. We
created them not except with truth (i.e. to examine and test those who
are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient
ones and punish the disobedient ones), but most of them know not.
Tafseer of Surah Ad-Dukhan Ayat 37 to 39. Tubba' is understood to be a title or family name of Himyar kings in Yemen, of the tribe of Hamdan. The Himyar were an ancient race. At one time they seem to have extended their hegemony over all Arabia and perhaps beyond, to the East African Coast. Their earliest religion seems to have been Sabianism, or the worship of the heavenly bodies. They seem at different times, later on, to have professed the Jewish and the Christian religion. Among the Embassies sent by the Prophet in A.H. 9-10 was one to the Himyar of Yemen, which led to their coming into Islam. This was of course much later than the date of this Surah. In prehistoric time the Himyar and Yemen seem to have played a large part in Arabia and even beyond: see last note. But when they were intoxicated with power, they fell into sin, and gradually they ceased to count, not only in Arabia but even in Yemen. Ayat 38. We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, merely in (idle) sport: Cf. 21:16. All creation is for a wise and just purpose. But men usually do not realize or understand it, because they are steeped in their own ignorance, folly, or passions. Ayat 39. We created them not except for just ends: but most of them do not understand.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "You
will covet for getting a position of authority, but remember that it
will be a cause of humiliation and remorse on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Al-Bukhari Book 09, Chapter 89, Hadith # 262].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Ad-Dukhan Ayat 39. We created them not except with truth (i.e. to examine)” This Hadith urges people, particularly the incapable ones, to shed off the ambition to achieve rulership and power. It is feared that owing to their lack of talent they will mismanage the task which will be assigned to them. This will render them guilty with Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) dissuades such people from accepting any government portfolio as in this way they will remain safe and trouble-free. Yet, if a deserving person gets a job of high responsibility, he should do his utmost to do full justice to it, so that he may be spared remorse on the Day of Resurrection.
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