২২. ক্ষমতা লাভ করলে,
সম্ভবতঃ তোমরা পৃথিবীতে অনর্থ সৃষ্টি করবে এবং আত্নীয়তা বন্ধন ছিন্ন
২৩. এদের প্রতিই আল্লাহ অভিসম্পাত করেন,
অতঃপর তাদেরকে বধির ও দৃষ্টিশক্তিহীন করেন।
২৪. তারা কি কোরআন সম্পর্কে গভীর চিন্তা করে না?না তাদের অন্তর তালাবদ্ধ?
Ayat 22. Would you then, if you were given the authority, do mischief in the land, and sever your ties of kinship?
Ayat 23. Such are they whom Allah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sight.
Ayat 24. Do they not then think deeply in the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding it)?
Tafseer of Surah Muhammad
Peace be upon him] Ayat 22 to 24. Then,
is it to be expected of you, if ye were put in authority, that ye will
do mischief in the land, and break your ties of kith and kin? It
is no use to say, as the Quraysh said, that it is not seemly to fight
against kith and kin. From one point of view the stand against sin
brings "not peace, but a sword". It is a case of either subduing evil or
being subdued by evil. If evil gets the upper hand, it is not likely to
respect ties of kith and kin. It did not in the case of the Prophet and
his adherents, and had to be suppressed, to bring about the conditions
necessary for peace. Ayat 23. Such are the men whom Allah has cursed for He has made them deaf and blinded their sight. Cursed:
i.e., deprived of His Grace: left them straying, because they
deliberately rejected His guidance. The result is that what they hear is
as if they had not heard, and what they see is as if they had not seen.
They have no desire to understand Allah's Will or Allah's Revelation—or
is it that they have themselves locked and bolted their hearts and
minds, so that nothing can penetrate them? Ayat 24. Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur´an, or are their hearts locked up by them?
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Do
not ask me unnecessarily about the details of the things which I do not
mention to you. Verily, the people before you were doomed because they
were used to putting many questions to their Prophets and had
differences about their Prophets. Refrain from what I forbid you and do
what I command you to the best of your ability and capacity". [Al-Bukhari Chapter # 92 Hadith # 391].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Muhammad
Peace be upon him] Ayat 24. Do they not then think deeply in the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding it)? And Surah Saba Ayat 38. “Those who strive against Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)” To be unnecessarily inquisitive and create differences and confusion in the Injunctions of Allah and His Prophet
[SAWW](PBUH) leads to destruction. The safest course lies only in following the Orders of Allah and His Prophet
without `ifs' and `buts.' Hairsplitting in religious issues falls in
this category. It opens the door for chaos and conflict and paves the
way for disunity and separation. May Allah give sense to the Muslim
Ummah to abandon this road and take the Right Path which ensures peace
and security. Let it be absolutely clear that the Right Path is one and
one alone. There cannot be multiple right paths, it is one and singular.
Once a community leaves the Straight Path, it is sure to go astray.
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