Ayat 1. Tâ-Hâ.
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none but Allah (Alone)
knows their meanings.]
Ayat 2. We have not sent down the Qur'an unto you (O
[SAWW](PBUH) to cause you distress,
Ayat 3. But only as a Reminder to
those who fear (Allah).
Ayat 4. A revelation from Him
(Allah) Who has created the earth and high
[Tafseer] And
of the surah in which Ta‐Ha is mentioned, which is
all Meccan and consists of 135 verses,
We have not sent down the Quran to
thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress, Allah's revelation may cause some
human trouble for two reasons: (1) it checks man's selfishness and narrowness of
view, and (2) it annoys the wicked and causes them to jeer and persecute. These
are mere incidental things, due to man's own shortcomings. As far as the trouble
is concerned, the revelation is meant to give a warning, so that persecutors may
be reclaimed, (and of course for men of faith it is comfort and consolation,
though that point does not arise in this context). But only as an admonition to those
who fear ((Allah)), A revelation from Him Who created the earth and
the heavens on
Hazrat Saad bin Abu
Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We left Makkah with the
Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) for Al-Madinah, and when we were near Azwara,'
[SAWW](PBUH) alighted (from his riding-camel) raised his hands in supplication
to Allah for a while and prostrated himself. He remained for a long time in
prostration. Then he stood up and raised his hands for a
while, after which he prostrated himself (again), and remained for a long time
in prostration. Then he stood up and raised his hands for a while, after which
he prostrated himself for the third time. Then he
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "I supplicated my Rubb and made intercession for my Ummah,
and He granted me one-third of them. So I again prostrated myself in gratitude
to my Rubb. Then I raised my head and supplicated my Rubb for my Ummah, and He
granted me another third of them. Again I raised my head and supplicated my Rubb
for my Ummah and He granted me the last third of them. So I fell into
prostration out of gratitude before my Rubb.''
Dawud, Hadith #
Lesson : as
mentioned above in Surah Taha Ayat 02."We have not sent down
the Qur'an unto you (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) to cause you distress," The phrase
"I supplicated my Rubb and made intercession for my Ummah'' means that the
Prophet (PBUH) prayed to Allah to pardon his Ummah and to admit them to Jannah.
The interpretation of this Hadith is stated to be that ultimately all the
Muslims will be sent to Jannah. They will not abide in Hell for ever. Some of
them will go to Jannah after suffering the punishment for their major sins, some
through the intercession of the Prophet (PBUH), and some by the Special Grace of
Allah. This interpretation is no doubt true. This is confirmed by other Ahadith
and forms the belief of the followers of Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
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