৩০. তাদের
জ্ঞানের পরিধি এ পর্যন্তই।
নিশ্চয় আপনার পালনকর্তা ভাল জানেন,
কে তাঁর পথ
থেকে বিচ্যুত হয়েছে এবং তিনিই ভাল জানেন কে সুপথপ্রাপ্ত হয়েছে।
Ayat 30. That
is what they (Pagans of Makkah) could reach of knowledge. Verily, your
Lord it is He Who knows best him who goes astray from His Path, and He
knows best him who receives guidance.
Tafseer of Surah An-Najm (The Star) Ayat 30. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy Lord knoweth best those who stray from His Path, and He knoweth best those who receive guidance. Men with a materialist turn of mind, whose desires are bounded by sex and material things, will not go beyond those things. Their knowledge will be limited to the narrow circle in which their thoughts move. The spiritual world is beyond their ken. While persons with a spiritual outlook, even though they may fail again and again in attaining their full ideals, are on the right Path. They are willing to receive guidance and Allah's Grace will find them out and help them.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, , "Do not ask me unnecessarily about the details of
the things which I do not mention to you. Verily, the people before you
were doomed because they were used to putting many questions to their
Prophets and had differences about their Prophets. Refrain from what I
forbid you and do what I command you to the best of your ability and
[Al-Bukhari Chapter # 92 Hadith # 391].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah An-Najm Ayat 30. “Verily, your Lord it is He Who knows best him who goes astray from His Path, and He knows best him who receives guidance" To be unnecessarily inquisitive and create differences and confusion in the Injunctions of Allah and His Prophet
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