১. কেয়ামত আসন্ন,
চন্দ্র বিদীর্ণ হয়েছে।
২. তারা যদি কোন নিদর্শন দেখে তবে মুখ ফিরিয়ে নেয় এবং বলে,
এটা তো চিরাগত জাদু।
৩. তারা মিথ্যারোপ করছে এবং নিজেদের খেয়াল-খুশীর অনুসরণ করছে।
প্রত্যেক কাজ যথাসময়ে স্থিরীকৃত হয়।
Ayat 1. The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (the people of Makkah requested Prophet Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) to show them a miracle, so he showed them the splitting of the moon).
Ayat 3. They
belied (the Verses of Allah, this Qur’an), and followed their own
lusts. And every matter will be settled [according to the kind of deeds
(for the doer of good deeds, his deeds will take him to Paradise, and
similarly evil deeds will take their doers to Hell)].
Tafseer of Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon) Ayat 1. The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. The idea of the judgment being nigh at the beginning of this Surah connects it with the same idea at the end of the last Surah (verse 57), though the actual words used in the two cases are different. Three explanations are given in the Mufradat, and perhaps all three apply here: (1) that the moon once appeared cleft asunder in the valley of Makkah within sight of the Prophet, his Companions, and some Unbelievers; (2) that the prophetic past tense indicates the future, the cleaving asunder of the moon being a Sign of the Judgment approaching; and (3) that the phrase is metaphorical, meaning that the matter has become clear as the moon. That the first was noticed by contemporaries, including Unbelievers, is clear from verse 2. The second is an incident of the disruption of the solar system at the New Creation: Cf. 75:8-9. And the third might well be implied as in eastern allegory, based on the other two. 2. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, "This is (but) transient magic” Mustamirr: transient, or powerful: either meaning will apply. The Unbelievers acknowledge the unusual appearance, but call it magic. They do not therefore profit by the spiritual lesson. 3. They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts but every matter has its appointed time. The prevalence of sin and the persecution of truth may have its day, but it must end at last.
Hazrat Al-Mustaurad bin Shaddad (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah
said, "This world (i.e., its pleasures and duration) in comparison with
the Hereafter is (similar to the amount of water) one gets when he puts
his finger in the sea. Let him then see what it returns with". [Muslim Book , Chapter , Hadith # 6843]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Qamar Ayat 3. They belied (the Verses of Allah, this Qur’an), and followed their own lusts" This Hadith shows the value of the Hereafter and its blessings compared to the worldly life. The proportion between the two is that the former is like an ocean while the latter is like the proportion of water left on one's finger when dipped in the sea!.
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