৪৭. নিশ্চয় অপরাধীরা পথভ্রষ্ট ও বিকারগ্রস্ত।
৪৮. যেদিন তাদেরকে মুখ হিঁচড়ে টেনে নেয়া হবে জাহান্নামে,
বলা হবেঃ অগ্নির খাদ্য আস্বাদন কর।
Ayat 47. Verily, the Mujrimun
(polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.) are in error (in
this world) and will burn (in the Hell-fire in the Hereafter).
Ayat 48. The Day they will be dragged in the Fire on their faces (it will be said to them): "Taste you the touch of Hell!"
Tafseer of Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon) Ayat 47. Truly those in sin are the ones straying in mind, and mad. Cf. 54:24 above. Note how the tables are turned in the argument by the repetition. The unjust think that the godly are wandering in mind and mad. They will find that it is really they who were wandering in mind, and mad, even when they were in the plenitude of their power and in the enjoyment of all the good things of this life. These minor echoes heighten the effect of the major refrain mentioned in the Introduction. 48. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire on their faces, (they will hear) "Taste ye the touch of Hell!" On their faces: the Face is the symbol of Personality. Their whole Personality will be subverted and degraded in the midst of the Fire of Suffering.
Hazrat Samurah bin Jundub (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah
said, "Among the people of Hell are there those who will be emersed in
fire to their ankles, some to their knees, some to their waists, and
some to their throats".
[Muslim Book 040, Chapter 12, Hadith # 6815].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Qamar Ayat 47. Verily, the Mujrimun (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.) are in error (in this world) and will burn (in the Hell-fire in the Hereafter)” This Hadith tells us that the inhabitants of Jannah will be classified into different categories and enjoy different kinds of luxuries according to their merits. A similar classification will also be made in the inhabitants of Hell and they will suffer torments according to their misdeeds.
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