১১২. আল্লাহ বলিবেন, “তোমরা পৃথিবীতে কতো বৎসর অবস্থান করিয়াছিলে?”
১১৩. উহারা বলিবে, “আমরা অবস্থান করিয়াছিলাম একদিন অথবা দিনের কিছু অংশ; আপনি না হয়, গননাকারীদের জিজ্ঞাসা করুন।”
১১৪. তিনি বলিবেন, “তোমরা অল্পকালই অবস্থান করিয়াছিলে, যদি তোমরা জানিতে!
১১৫. তোমরা কি মনে করিয়াছিলে যে, আমি তোমাদিগকে অনর্থক সৃষ্টি করিয়াছি এবং তোমরা আমার নিকট প্রত্যাবর্তিত হইবে না?”
Ayat 112. He (Allah) will say: "What number of years did you stay on
Ayat 113. They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask of
those who keep account."
Ayat 114. He (Allah) will say: "You stayed not but a little, if
you had only known!
Ayat 115. "Did you think that We had created you in play (without
any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?"
[Tafseer] of ayat 112. Allah
will ask them "How many years did you stay on earth?" The Hafs
reading is "Qala", "He will say". This follows the Kufah Qiraah. The Basrah
Qiraah reads "Qut", "Say" (in the imperative). The point is only one of
grammatical construction. They
will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day: but ask those who keep
account." The question and answer about Time imply two things. (1) The
attention of the ungodly is drawn to the extremely short time of the life in
this world, compared
to the eternity which they face: they are made to see this, and to realize how
mistaken they were in their comparative valuation of things spiritual and things
material. (2) Time, as we know it now, will have faded away and appear as almost
nothing. It is just a matter relative to this life of temporary
probation. as the experience of the Companions of the Cave:
18:19. Allah will say: "Ye stayed not but a little,- if ye had only
known! "Did
ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought
back to Us (for account)?" Allah's Creation is not without a high serious
purpose. It is not vain, or for mere play or sport. As far as man is concerned,
the highest issues for him hang on his behavior in this life. "Life is real,
life is earnest, And the grave is not its goal", as Longfellow truly says. We
must therefore earnestly search out Allah's Truth, encouraged by the fact that
Allah's Truth is also, out of His unbounded mercy, searching us out and trying
to reach
Hazrat Abdullah bin
Ash-Shikhkhir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I came to the Messenger
of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) while he was reciting (Surat At-Takathur 102):
"The mutual rivalry (for hoarding worldly things) preoccupy
you. Until you visit the graves (i.e., till you die).(102:1-8) (After reciting) he Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Son of Adam says: `My wealth, my wealth.' Do you own of your
wealth other than what you eat and consume, and what you wear and wear out, or
what you give in Sadaqah (charity) (to those who deserve it), and that what you
will have in stock for yourself.''
Book 01,Chapter 42, Hadith #
Lesson : as
mentioned above in Surah Al-Muminun Ayat 115.""Did you think that
We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be
brought back to Us?" This Hadith enjoins
that if a person is given wealth, he should spend it in the ways liked by Allah
because it is this Sadaqah which will be a valuable treasure in the Afterlife.
Whatever else he consumes in this world, will finish or rot in this world and
will be of no avail in Hereafter.
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