১০. বলুন,
তোমরা ভেবে দেখেছ কি,
যদি এটা আল্লাহর পক্ষ থেকে হয় এবং তোমরা একে
অমান্য কর এবং বনী ইসরাঈলের একজন সাক্ষী এর পক্ষে সাক্ষ্য দিয়ে এতে বিশ্বাস
স্থাপন করে;
আর তোমরা অহংকার কর,
তবে তোমাদের চেয়ে অবিবেচক আর কে হবে? নিশ্চয় আল্লাহ অবিবেচকদেরকে পথ দেখান না।
Ayat 10. Say (O Muhammad
"Tell me! If this (Qur’an) is from Allah, and you deny it, and a
witness from among the Children of Israel ('Abdullah bin Salam )
testifies that this Qur’an is from Allah [like the Taurat (Torah)], so
he believed (embraced Islam) while you are too proud (to believe)."
Verily! Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists, disbelievers and wrong-doing).
Tafseer of Surah Al-Ahqaf Ayat 10. Another side of the argument is now presented, You pagan Arabs! You are puffed up with pride, though you are an ignorant nation. Among Israel there are men who understand the previous scriptures, and who find the Qur'an and its Preacher a true confirmation of the previous scriptures. They accept Islam as a fulfillment of the revelation of Moses himself! (See Deut 18:18 -19). And yet you hold back, though the Qur'an has come in your own language, in order to help you to understand. How unjust and how shameful! In that case, with what face can you seek guidance from Allah?' There were learned Jews (and Christians) who saw in the Prophet the Messenger of Allah foreshadowed in previous Revelations, and accepted Islam. As this is a Makkan Surah we need not construe this as a reference to 'Abdullah ibn Salam, whose conversion was in Madinah only two years before the Prophet's death, unless we accept this particular verse to be so late in date. The sincere Jews were in a position to understand how this Revelation fitted in with all they had learnt about Revelation.
Aamir bin Sad bin Abi Waqqas narrated from his father Sad bin Abi Waqqas
(May Allah be pleased with him) reported & said, I have never heard
the The Messenger of Allah
saying about anybody walking on the earth that he is from the people of
Paradise except Hazrat Abdullah bin Salam (May Allah be pleased with
him). The following Verse was revealed in Surah Al-Ahqaf (Ayat 10)
concerning him: " Say: "Tell me! If this (Qur'an) is from Allah, and you
deny it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel ('Abdullah bin
Salam ) testifies that this Qur'an is from Allah [like the Taurat
(Torah)], so he believed (embraced Islam) while you are too proud (to
believe)." Verily! Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists, disbelievers and wrong-doing). (46.10) [Al-Bukhari Book 05, Chapter 58, Hadith # 157].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Ahqaf Ayat 10. “Witness from among the Children of Israel ('Abdullah bin Salam ) testifies that this Qur’an is from Allah” and also in Surah Ar-Ra'd Ayat 36. "to whom We have given the Book (such as 'Abdullah bin Salam (May Allah be pleased with him) and other Jews who embraced Islam), rejoice at what has been revealed unto you (i.e. the Qur'an)," This Hadith also highlights the merits of Ahlul-Kitab means the people of the Scriptures, that is the Jews and the Christians. This Hadith has an inducement for them that if they embrace Islam, they will be entitled to a reward.
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