৬. তারা কি তাদের উপরস্থিত আকাশের পানে দৃষ্টিপাত করে না আমি কিভাবে তা
নির্মাণ করেছি এবং সুশোভিত করেছি?
তাতে কোন ছিদ্রও নেই।
৭. আমি ভূমিকে বিস্তৃত করেছি,
তাতে পর্বতমালার ভার স্থাপন করেছি এবং তাতে সর্বপ্রকার নয়নাভিরাম উদ্ভিদ উদগত করেছি।
৮. এটা জ্ঞান আহরণ ও স্মরণ করার মত ব্যাপার প্রত্যেক অনুরাগী বান্দার
Ayat 6. Have they not looked at the heaven above them, how We have made it and adorned it, and there are no rifts in it?
Ayat 7. And
the earth! We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing
firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely growth (plants).
Ayat 8. An
insight and a Reminder for every slave turning to Allah (i.e. the one
who believes in Allah and performs deeds of His obedience, and always
begs His pardon).
Tafseer of Surah Qaf Ayat 50. Qaf 6 to 8. Do they not look at the sky above them? - How We have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it? The greatest philosophers have found a difficulty in understanding the skeptical position when they contemplate the wonder and mystery of the skies with all the countless beautiful stars and planets and lights in them, and laws of order, motion, and symmetry, that respond to the highest mathematical abstractions without a flaw. Can blind Chance give rise to such conditions? Ayat 7. And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs) Cf. 13:3; and 15:19. The earth is round, and yet it appears stretched out as a vast expanse, like a carpet kept steady with the weight of the mountains. Cf. 22:5. Sex in plants may be hinted at: to 13:3. Ayat 8. To be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning (to Allah. For all these things go into his very heart and soul. He loves to contemplate them, to remember them for himself as evidence of Allah's goodness and glory, and to mention and proclaim them, in the form of Psalms, Hymns or Dhikr.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.'' [Muslim Book 35,Chapter 11, Hadith # 6518]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Qaf Ayat 8. An insight and a Reminder for every slave turning to Allah" This Hadith relates to the eminence of knowledge has been reproduced here. In this Hadith, knowledge means the knowledge of the religion, that is to say the correct knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadith which is acquired without any prejudice of any juristic school. Otherwise juristic prejudice can turn knowledge into great obstruction. May Allah bestow His Mercy on us.
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